From price sensitivity to sustainability
In 2023 sales in the cleaning products market increased by nearly 16% in value, driven mainly by rising prices, as all segments of the category declined in volume.
This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2024/4

Nikolett Rátkai
brand manager
Unilever Magyarország
“With the exception of the wipes segment, every category produced a double-digit value growth”,
says Nikolett Rátkai, brand manager of Unilever Magyarország Kft.
Elmondása szerint az értékesítési csatornák mindegyike erősödött, közülük a legnagyobb mértékű fejlődést a drogéria és a diszkont érte el. Mindkettő a WC-frissítő blokk, illetve a spray szegmenseknek köszönhette pozitív eredményeit. A legkisebb mértékben a hipermarket csatorna nőtt, amelynek kevésbé sikeres számai mögött a törlőkendő szegmens visszaesése áll.
Sustainable portfolio
For Unilever Magyarország Kft. the disinfectant category, and within this the Domestos brand, continues to be the engine of growth, while the spray segment also developed nicely in 2023, mainly thanks to the Savo brand. Unilever is working hard to make its portfolio more sustainable, developing products with natural and biodegradable ingredients, and in order to reduce plastic waste, more and more cleaners are available in recycled and recyclable plastic packaging.
Price is key, but it isn’t the only factor
Consumers continue to prioritise effectiveness in the cleaning product categories.

Gabriella Kőrösy
managing director
AC Marca Hungary
“However, there are also more conscious shoppers who are looking at the composition of the cleaning products in addition to efficiency”,
explains Gabriella Kőrösy, general manager of AC Marca Hungary Kft.
Shoppers still like to buy in promotion, even in larger sizes, which is why discounts and coupon days are very popular. Consumer demand for mould killers has increased dramatically, driven by higher utility bills and cooler homes temperature-wise.
Focusing on efficiency
AC Marca Hungary Kft.’s Sanytol brand ended 2023 with strong growth. The company is also focusing on efficiency in its innovation work, which has resulted in the launch of the new Sanytol 4Action product range with multiplied cleaning power, in the domestic market at the end of 2023. In 2024 they are rolling out a new product with sustainability in mind: a refill in economical and sustainable packaging for Sanytol Disinfectant Universal Cleaning Spray. //
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