One third of the products bearing the Hungarian Product trademark are private labels

By: Trademagazin editor Date: 2024. 04. 02. 11:37

In response to the needs of domestic consumers, retail chains have recently taken steps to further emphasise the domestic origin of their private label products.

This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2024/4

“Our latest data show that ALDI, AUCHAN, CBA, COOP, FÁN GROUP, METRO, PENNY, REAL, SPAR and TESCO account for one third of the more than 5,500 products of our 250 partners that bear one of the Hungarian Product trademarks. In this respect SPAR produced the biggest growth last year, with 150 private label products earning one of our trademarks”,

said Eszter Benedek, managing director of Hungarian Product Nonprofit Kft.

She added that they continue to promote partners’ products of trusted origin at minimal cost, using an integrated approach of online communication and social marketing tools. Currently they are preparing for the next phase of the year-round collaboration campaign under the slogan “HUNGARIAN GIVES YOU MORE.” //