We are wasting our biggest assets: this is how Lidl is fighting it

By: Trademagazin editor Date: 2025. 03. 03. 10:22

According to this year’s Global Risk Report, the fourth biggest risk by 2035 will be the lack of natural resources. As the leading retail chain in Hungary, Lidl is committed to the conservation and responsible use of natural resources. The steps taken to achieve these goals can be found in the company’s latest sustainability report. Lidl has made it one of its objectives to source critical raw materials used in its private label products – such as cocoa, tea, coffee, pulp, palm oil, cotton – from certified sustainable sources. When introducing new products, we pay special attention to the certification of raw materials, and with our existing products we keep working on ensuring that ingredients are sourced from certified sustainable sources”, said Judit Tőzsér, head of company communication at Lidl Magyarország.

Food rescue together with customers

Lidl is working to cut down on food waste by setting optimal order quantities and using discounts. The company’s “Let’s save it!” food saving campaign went nationwide in 2023, in which Lidl offers its customers packs of fruit and vegetables that no longer look perfect but are still edible, or bakery products left over from the previous day at low prices. In accordance with legal requirements, Lidl donates the surplus food that is still fit for human consumption to people in need. Lidl also attaches great importance to raising awareness on the issue by organising educational campaigns to encourage its customers to curb household food waste. (x)

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