Nigel Jones ügyvezető igazgató Tesco-Global Áruházak
Tesco Hungary CEO Nigel Jones told our magazine that their turnover was HUF 709 billion in the 2012-2013 business year. Last year the company’s focus was more on innovation than on expansion. They launched Tesco Mobile and opened 4 Express stores and 1 hypermarket. Tesco Hungary kept supporting the domestic and international growth of Hungarian suppliers. Last year the number of Tesco Clubcard holders increased by 15 percent. In 2012 Tesco Hungary established the Suppliers’ Academy to help SMEs develop and grow together with Tesco. Increasing the proportion of Hungarian suppliers is still one of the main priorities. Tesco Hungary’s online shopping service started in March 2013 and its success surpassed expectations. Currently they deliver in the Budapest region but the long-term goal is nationwide coverage. On store level they plan to introduce electronic shelf labels everywhere by July 2013. This year the company’s focus in on innovation and on improved shopping experience – to serve customers on the highest possible level in every store format.