Goodbye celebrities?

By: Trademagazin editor Date: 2024. 08. 28. 10:37

57% of the more than 20,000 people surveyed in 30 countries by EY use online communities to find information when shopping, and 61% have already bought a product based on an influencer’s recommendation.

This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2024/8-9

In comparison, only 21% have clicked on an ad on social media. Typically an influencer is followed because they produce content that shoppers find valuable (49%) or enjoyable (44%). At the same time celebrities are losing popularity: only 25% of respondents follow someone just because they are famous. “People in Hungary are also becoming more conscious. This makes it harder to mobilise them with previously tried-and-tested (mainly influencer-driven) advertising and sales tools, which requires a new approach from manufacturers and distributors”, told László Palincsár, senior director of customer and growth at EY. //

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