Low environmental impact technologies are necessary for wine production

By: STA Date: 2024. 04. 12. 10:00

The Ministry of Agriculture is committed to ensuring that grape growing in our country has as little environmental impact as possible and that we produce our wines as energy-efficiently as possible – Minister of Agriculture István Nagy stated at the meeting organized on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the International Organization of Viticulture and Oenology, in Brescia, on Friday.

(Photo: AM)

The head of the ministry drew attention to the fact that environmental protection and sustainability have changed the habits of consumers, which has a significant impact on agriculture and the food industry. The vast majority of wine products consumed in Hungary were produced in Hungary, so the carbon footprint of this area in our country is low.

The minister also touched on the fact that due to climate change, there is an increasing need to breed more resistant plant varieties

Grapes are no exception to this. The Viticulture and Wine Research Institute of the University of Pécs, for example, strives to achieve this goal with its research work in Hungary, where a genetic background of about 10,000 known varieties is currently available. István Nagy said that in addition to promoting the conscious consumption of wine, we must try to learn about and develop alternative products that can be made from grapes. The demand for grapes can be increased by promoting alcohol-free or alcohol-reduced products and introducing new technologies. Several diversification proposals have been implemented in the past decade. For example, in the field of grape seed grinds and grape seed oils. The introduction of these products and other new alternatives can be helped by the EU’s wine innovation resources, added the head of the ministry.


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