Sirha Budapest in Hungary!
The International Horeca and Retail Show awaits the professionals of the food industry, baking and confectionery industry, hotel and catering industry, packaging industry and gastronomy from 7 to 9 February 2018 in Hungary, at the HUNGEXPO Budapest Fair Center.
In 2016, the premium Central Eastern European trade fair attracted over 20,000 professional visitors and 374 exhibitors. The interest in participating is continuously increasing, therefore in 2018 Sirha Budapest will provide increased floor space to the companies taking part in the fair, since the organizers are opening the most modern, column-free Pavilion G with high inner space which will serve as the venue to coffee, baking and confectionery goods related subject fields. Pavilion G will also host a contest area with programs fitting the thematic above.
Pavilion A will feature two new product groups, the organic and private labelled products with high emphasis on foodstuffs and food industry machines. Thanks to this, numerous companies with a similar profile have applied for the exhibition.
Although there is still six months left until the exhibition, over 100 exhibitors already indicated their intention of participating across an area of nearly 6000 square meters. Numerous firms will be attending from the Central Eastern European region, including the Italian ICE firm or the Czech Trade Promotion Agency. The deadline for the discounted application for the Sirha Budapest event is 15 October 2017.For those who submit their application forms by this time, organizers can provide discounts of up to 14% from their exhibition area fee.
Numerous professional demonstrations and competitions will spice up the exhibition, allowing professional visitors to choose from a wide range of features over the three days. The novelties of Sirha Budapest are Omnivore Budapest, the Hungarian Selection of the International Catering Cup and the National Mass Catering Chef Competition. These are, naturally, accompanied by previous successes such as the the Bocused’Or Hungarian Selection, the Sirha Budapest Dessert Competition, Future Store, or the Enterprise Europe Network and the PRIMOM Foundation B2B meetings.
For more information on the exhibition and terms of application, please visit the website.
Trade partner of Sirha Budapest 2018 is Agrármarketing Centrum, the special trade partner is METRO, and the special media partner is Trade Magazin. //
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