Women entrepreneurs: Hungary is in the middle of the ranking
In Hungary almost every third business is owned or led by women – revealed the Mastercard Index of Women Entrepreneurs. Mastercard analysed 12 indicators and 25 secondary indicators to evaluate the situation of female entrepreneurs all over the world. The survey was conducted in 54 countries and covered 78.6 percent of the world’s women workers. At the top of the ranking we find New Zealand (74.41), followed by Canada (72.4) and the USA (69.9). These are the countries where the conditions are best for women entrepreneurs: SMEs are strong and cooperative, and the government supports their progress. Hungary finished 34th in the ranking. The proportion of businesses owned or led by women is 27.8 percent in Hungary – in this respect we are 15th on the list.
Based on the index, we can say that in those countries where conditions are better, entrepreneurs are opportunity-driven, therefore they are more successful than those who are fighting for survival in countries where conditions are worse. What motivates women in developing countries? They are really determined: on the list that ranks the proportion of female entrepreneurs from the total number of enterprises, Uganda (34.8 percent), Bangladesh (31.6 percent), Vietnam (31.4 percent) and China (30.9 percent) are in the Top 10. In these countries women make use of the opportunities that don’t necessarily depend on knowledge and tools of innovation. In the countries with a low score such as India (41.7), Saudi Arabia (37.2) and Egypt (34), it is negative cultural stereotypes against women that prevent them from filling executive positions and starting their own business.
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