Full house at the Volt Festival in Sopron
On June 28 the special train departed, that will deliver the guests of the Volt Festival every day until Sunday. It is the first time in the history of the festival, that days before the door opening of the festival, one cannot find any accommodation in the city, so the organizers have started to upload the neighboring Austrian hotels.
In one year, 30 percent increase occurred in the number of people, who take part on the four and a half-day event with a season ticket. On the opening day of Volt, hundreds of festival visitors arrive from the 27 EU countries to Sopron. They – representing their country – and will present musical productions on the European Stage and stays in the European Campsite with the festival guests – said Fülöp Zoltán and Lobenwein Norbert, organizers of the Volt Festival – reports Világgazdaság Online.
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