Controversy has erupted over Tesco’s CEO’s proposal regarding loyalty card data

By: Trademagazin Date: 2024. 09. 20. 11:23

Ken Murphy, CEO of Tesco, has sparked a lively debate in the UK with his new proposal to use loyalty card data. According to an article in The Telegraph, Murphy suggested that in the future artificial intelligence (AI) could analyze customers’ habits and provide personalized advice for healthier eating.

I would deploy AI

According to Murphy, AI could warn, for example, when shoppers are choosing products with too much sodium. “I can imagine the system saying, ‘I noticed that the sodium salt content in your cart is 250 percent of the daily recommended amount. I recommend that you replace this, this and this,'” the CEO outlined his vision.

However, the proposal met with mixed reception. Big Brother Watch strongly criticized the idea, saying: “Tesco has no right to judge what’s in our basket or tell us what we should or shouldn’t buy.”

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