Hungarian consumers changing
Hungarian consumers have changed as much in the past 15-20 years as average European consumers have in 50 years- said Ákos Kozák, director of GfK Hungária Piackutató Intézet at the Hungarian Consumer conference held on 19. June. At the event organised by the communication agency Netaktív and the market research firm, he also spoke about global trends having an effect on Hungarian consumers, but Hungarians still focusing basically on family values, on being well and on entertainment. Regarding consumer habits, spending on food has been reduced from one third of average incomes ten years ago to 20-22 per cent. According to GfK research, Hungarians are most worried by inflation and high prices and the environment is only the 10th on their list of concerns. The most surprising finding was that 30 per cent of people interviewed belong to the group defined as recluses. Nick Chiarelli, director of GfK Roper Consulting and Lida Walsh, co-director of GfK Roper Consulting spoke about global trends. According to the cumulated result of 30,000 surveys conducted in 25 countries, people also need mobility from food products, which can be consumed on the move. Regarding consumer trends in Eastern Europe, free time was found to be on top of the list of preferences, while god health and financial security are more important for Western consumers. Attila Kathy , head of department from the Consumer Protection Authority spoke about recent changes in consumer attitude. Hungarian consumers are increasingly well informed and aware of their rights. Last year, over 110,000 complaints were registered by the Authority and a total of HUF one billion was imposed in fines. György Alexa, chairman of the Ad hoc Committee of Parliament for Consumer Protection spoke about legislative work related to the protection of consumers. He pointed out that a lot of legislative work still needs to be completed and even existing legislation is not always enforced. István Sas, head of the a Academy of Communication (KOAK) examined the development of the consumer society through the changes in advertising. He emphasised that the transition from a shortage economy to a consumer society had taken a much shorter period of time than in the West. Péter Feiner, chairman of the National Trade Association and the managing director of SPAR Magyarország Kft. spoke about the response given by retail trade to changes in consumer habits and vice-versa. Typical Hungarian consumers do not show much loyalty to brands and are happy to experiment with new products. Kornél Müller, CMI director of Unilever CEE, focused on the average consumer in his presentation, who looks 30 in advertisements, but will soon turn 50. The problem of an ageing society is already present, but this age group requires a different type of communication from that used in Western Europe.
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