New types of recruitment methods at Penny Market

By: Trademagazin editor Date: 2020. 04. 21. 11:28

Pénzcentrum regularly conducts interviews with HR managers of the largest Hungarian employers. Penny Market was approached in the early days of the pandemic to answer how their labor needs have changed, what new recruitment methods they introduced, and how they managed to respond to the situation.

Vivien Kricbacher, recruitment and selection team leader, and Caroline Horn, HR process and organization referent answered the questions.

Pénzcentrum: How many stores, how many employees does Penny Market currently have?

The Penny Magyarország Kft. currently has 223 stores and 4,750 employees. Most of our colleagues, almost 4,000 people are working in our stores, more than 700 people are working in our 3 logistics centers: Alsónémedi, Veszprém, Karcag, and 300 of our employees are working in the central office in Alsónémedi. (

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