The collaboration between Agroloop and FreezeM opens new horizons in the insect protein industry
Agroloop’s larval breeding and feed raw material production activities opened up a completely new industry in agriculture. This is raised to a higher level by the cooperation with FreezeM Ltd., which specializes in the breeding of the black soldier fly, which represents a significant paradigm shift in the global insect industry. Thanks to the partnership, Agroloop’s soon-to-open 13,000 square meter protein production facility will be the first to separate breeding and production processes in order to meet growing global demand and bring long-term positive change in the CEE region and beyond. in agricultural practices.
Healthy pet food raw materials and organic soil improvement products produced from black soldier fly larvae have brought revolutionary new, sustainable solutions in many areas of domestic agriculture. Agroloop uses feed-grade by-products from local food processors to feed the larvae, which convert the low-value biomass into high-quality feed protein and fat. Compared to conventional protein sources, this production process results in a significantly smaller ecological footprint: the cultivation of insect larvae and the feed protein and fat produced from them results in incomparably lower carbon emissions than from the average farm animal breeding. The production does not require a huge area of production, there is no need to spray with pesticides or fertilizers, and the demand for fresh water and energy is minimal.
This year, the Agroloop feed protein production company will open its 13,000 square meter automated plant in the border of Üllő, which will open new horizons in the development of the domestic agricultural and food economy. The factory is considered a landmark in the industry not only because it is the most important alternative feed protein plant in Central Europe, but also because it is the first to introduce a revolutionary new supply chain model, during which the insect breeding processes are outsourced. To achieve this, the collaboration between Agroloop and FreezeM Ltd., a leading innovator of black soldier fly breeding technologies, operating in Israel and Germany, was established.
The purpose of the partnership is for FreezeM, which has several decades of experience in large-scale insect breeding, to provide weekly support in the delivery of the black soldier fly from its breeding center in Germany. PauseM®, FreezeM’s pioneering breeding solution provided as a service, enables Agroloop to focus on the large-scale production of feed protein and the resulting by-products – feed fat and organic manure – without an on-site breeding unit, with even greater capacity and efficiency.
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