Grape-Vine Kft. expanded its capacity with a new storage hall and equipment purchase.

By: Trademagazin Date: 2023. 05. 02. 11:08

Grape-Vine Kft. expanded its capacity at its site in Kiskunmajsa with a new storage hall and the purchase of wine processing equipment with a European Union grant of HUF 769 million, the company’s executives told MTI.

Róbert Szőke-Tóth, one of the managing directors of Grape-Vine Kft., said: the investment was realized from about HUF 462 million in support received in the Economic Development and Innovation Operational Program (Ginop) and HUF 308 million from our own resources.

In the past year and a half, as part of the developments, a new building was built at their premises in Kiskunmajsa for the storage of wine raw materials and finished products, expanding the previous limited storage capacity.