CBA and Príma exceed margin stop

By: Trademagazin Date: 2025. 03. 27. 11:35

Following the government regulation, the “CHEAPER THAN LAST YEAR!” initiative was further expanded in the stores of Vörösvár Kft. – the company fled from market challenges in advance.

The mandatory margin restriction applies to 30 product categories, however, Vörösvár Kft. started intensive price reductions in all its stores even before the regulation came into effect. – it really took the government’s signal seriously and acted responsibly.

At that time, the prices of popular products were already reduced by a hundred in the CBA and Príma stores operated by the company, not only in the 30 product categories affected, but also in a much wider range.

“We did not wait for the regulation – we got ahead of it. We acted in a timely and responsible manner to help Hungarian families. That is why we now have more than 500 products on our shelves at significantly lower prices, not just those prescribed by the government.”

– emphasized Péter Breier, owner.

Customers will find the affected products in stores with a green label – these include products subject to the margin cap, but many more items are also on sale that the company has reduced in price by its own decision.