From us, for you!
Though it might seem somewhat strange in times of recession, American restaurant chains employing well trained marketing professional have not only cut their prices but also offer a great diversity of samples and gifts. Gifts for regular guests are a classic trick in the restaurant business. Unfortunately, not in Hungary, although such extra services play a big role in building customer loyalty. Gifts can even offset the negative experience of being overcharged or served by a bad waiter. If we want to use gifts as a marketing tool in a systematic way, we should be aware of what is in line with the character of our restaurant or with the order and how much we have to spend. Receiving a gift can be a very positive surprise for guests, as such a gesture is encountered very rarely. Gifts can also boost guests’ appetite or thirst, generating revenues in addition to customer satisfaction and loyalty. Sweets or plates of fruit in the summer are also a good idea. Gifts for children can be very cheap, yet have a strong effect on parents, as McDonalds has discovered a long time ago. Regardless of what the gift is, its purpose is to persuade guests to return to us whenever they can. The immediate impact of our gift might be difficult to measure, but we can be certain that is going to be appreciated. However, we should be careful not to leave anybody out, because if only two out of three of our guests get something, that one will certainly feel offended.