The participants of the Upper Tisza PET Cup collected more than 15 tons of waste
The 10th Jubilee Upper Tisza PET Cup ended with the collection of a record amount of 2,880 bags of waste. In the competition for boats built from pill bottles, the Siemens Energy team of corporate volunteers and their children won the most waste, who this time also proved to be the best in waste collection per person, thereby also obtaining the Tisza Hőse award for the most diligent crew.
The jubilee competition brought unforgettable experiences and new record results every day, the pet lovers and the organizer Association can once again proudly report on the results and the cleaned Tisza floodplain. The event was supported by the Ministry of Technology and Industry.
In the jubilee competition, 12 enthusiastic teams collected the waste in the longer than usual competition on the 86 river kilometer section of the Tisza between Cigánd and Tiszadada. During the six waste collection days, the routine teams showed enormous enthusiasm and determination. Not a day went by without the pickers picking up at least one ton of waste from the river’s floodplain, and in fact, they set a daily record for the 14-kilometer stretch of river from Tokaj to Tiszaladány, with almost 5 tons of collected waste.
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