More wheat and barley were produced per hectare in Tolna
More autumn wheat and barley were harvested per hectare in Tolna County than last year, the Tolna County Directorate of the National Chamber of Agrarian Economy told MTI on Tuesday.

(Photo: Pixabay)
According to the announcement, 308,809 tons of winter wheat were harvested from 44,970 hectares, with an average of 6.86 tons per hectare. The quality fell short of expectations, 35-35 percent mill or feed, 30 percent euro quality, they wrote. The average yield of winter barley grown on 13,365 hectares was 6.58 tons per hectare, resulting in a total yield of 88,022 tons. Compared to last year, the plant was grown in an area 9,000 hectares smaller, and the yield exceeded last year’s average by 1.1 tons per hectare. A total of 34,000 tons less barley was harvested, and the quality exceeded last year. Undried canola stands were cut with an average of 2.62 tons per hectare, with a total yield of 21,915 tons from 8,336 hectares. The oil content of the plant is on average 40-42 percent.
They also mentioned that the heat takes a toll on the crop plants
Signs of drought, wilting and drying are already visible on the sandy parts of the fields. If this does not change, the yield loss can be significant. They added that there are areas where the larvae of cotton owl moths are damaging the corn inside the tube to an unprecedented extent by chewing on the ears. This could only be countered with strong chemicals, which is probably not available to many farmers, so there will be significantly damaged fields.
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