Beer price remains below 10 euros at Oktoberfest

By: trademagazin Date: 2013. 07. 17. 11:04

Oktoberfest publicans are hiking up beer prices again this year – but while they are bubbling up towards the unspoken limit 9,85 euros (almost 2900 HUF) for a litre Maß, nobody has yet dared exceed it.

A Maß litre of beer at this year's iconic Oktoberfest drinking festival in Munich will cost up to 9,85 euros in the big tents, with just three of the 13 larger tents planning to charge less than 9,80 euros

The cheapest litre of beer will be available to revellers in the Augustiner tent for a cool 9,60 euros wrote the Süddeutsche Zeitung newspaper on Tuesday.

“I hope this price rise is enough for next year and that the prices stay stable for 2014,” Dieter Reiter from the Munich city Department for Economic Affairs told the paper.

But festival publicans haven't resisted hiking up their prices every year, year on year, wrote the paper, and in 2013 all of them have put their prices up by at least 3 percent over 2012.

Some festival tents have pushed even further, with the Ochsenbraterei tent prices up 5 percent from 9,20euros – 2012's cheapest – to the top price of 9,85 euros in 2013. (Bálint Marcell, MTI)

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