Pastas from the heart of Italy
Golden ear of durum wheat-this is what Spigadoro, name of the pasta launched in 2009 means in Hungarian. The ear of durum wheat has been present in the logo of the family business based in green Umbria since 1822. The founder of the business had used the method of “full scale integration”from the very beginning controlling each stage in production. – We have retained this approach ever since – says Domenico Antonio Fabiano CEO of Spigadoro. The pasta is produced whit bronze die at low temperature and slow dryng pracess which helps pasta to better absorb dressings giving it more flavour. Spigadoro has been exporting for 3o years. Revennues totalled EUR 11million in 2007 and are expected to reach 18.5 million in 2008. Exports account for two-thirds of total sales. Their assortment includes over 100 products, including organic products and specialities, like flavoured pasta made with tomato and squid ink. To start with, five typical Italian pastas will appear in the Hungarian market in both retail and gastro sizes, but this assortment can be expanded rapidly, depending on demand. Li-As Mathias Kft. (1039 Budapest, Szentendrei u. 223-225., Tel.: +36 70 429-1998, e-mail: is the exclusive distributor of Spigadoro in Hungary.
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