Mere is really coming: Hungarian workers are already being recruited

By: Trademagazin Date: 2024. 04. 09. 12:34

It seems that it was not an April fool’s joke after all, the Russian Mere store chain will soon appear in Hungary and is already making serious preparations for market introduction. The company plans to open 200 stores in Hungary within three years and achieve a turnover of 700 million euros. The company has already registered a company in Hungary and is actively recruiting employees, including procurement managers.

The job advertisement posted by TS Retail Kft. indicates that we can expect serious economic activity in the near future. Applications from those interested in the company are invited to a Russian email address. According to Opten, the company hired 11 employees between December last year and February this year, which indicates that it is preparing for serious economic activity. Applications for the job advertisement are invited to a Russian email address – the Telex pointed out.

Positions offered by Mere offer competitive pay and challenging tasks in the procurement area. Procurement managers will be tasked with finding suppliers and manufacturers, preparing and maintaining supplier contracts, and continuously monitoring competitors. Therefore, in return, they promise an easily accessible workplace and work between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. With a net salary of 1,300 euros (ie half a million forints), plus a commission system depending on sales.

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