Matchmaking at the highest level (Part 2) Children trap

By: trademagazin Date: 2014. 10. 05. 23:32

Managers often struggle with finding their partner in life: they are busy and don’t have time for themselves. Irina Beke is the owner of dating agency First Class and she has been helping businesspersons find their partners in life for 12 years In this new column she shares her experiences with Trade magazin’s readers: ‘Hajnalka (34, works in HR) and Gábor (42, top manager) went on a date after which Hajnalka felt that they were attracted to one another.

Beke Irina tulajdonos First Class társkereső

Beke Irina
First Class társkereső

Still, after the second date she got a letter from Gábor, who wrote he didn’t want to meet again. I called both of them and here is what had happened. During the second date they were dining in a restaurant when Hajnalka received a call from a friend, who told she had given birth to her first child. They were talking for half an hour and Hajnalka was very enthusiastic about the news. Because of this Gábor felt Hajnalka can only be made happy if she can have children soon. Gábor isn’t prepared for this because he is divorced and has an 8-year-old child already. He feels guilty about the failure of his first marriage and he has decided that he will only marry again is he is completely sure that the new relationship works in the long run – which requires time. With Hajnalka he was afraid he won’t get this time. His mistake was that he forgot: we don’t work the same way, women are more emotional about having children. As for Hajnalka, she should have paid more attention to the situation, she should have cut the conversation with her friend short and call her back later – the rendezvous was about Gábor and she and not about talking with her friend on the phone.

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