Nutritious vegetable dish recipes for a spring weight loss diet

By: Trademagazin editor Date: 2023. 03. 30. 22:28

According to a survey by DélKerTÉSZ, 34% of Hungarians only eat vegetables 2-3 times a week, and 31% have fruit on 2-3 occasions per week.

Perhaps they don’t know that vegetables can’t just be enjoyed raw, as certain vegetables become even healthier if cooked. One of these is cauliflower, which contains goitrogens that can have a negative effect on the working of the thyroid; by boiling cauliflower these disappear, but the vegetable – which has high antioxidant and calcium content – retains its immune system strengthening and anti-inflammatory characteristics. Experts also recommend eating tomato cooked or fried as well, because this way the effect of the lycopene (an antioxidant) it contains is multiplied.

We shouldn’t just mind how much vegetable we eat, but also where it comes from

We can make tomato soup not just from purée or tomato sauce: the end result is more exciting if we fry the tomatoes in the oven, sprinkling a bit of olive oil on the slices beforehand; they are ready in just 25 minutes. Then we sautée some onion in a pan, add garlic and chilli and mix it with the fried tomatoes. We season it with salt and pepper before we mix it into a purée – if it is too thick, we can add some water or stock. The same way we can make a delicious soup from fried Capia peppers too.//


This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2023/4.

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