Takarékbank farmers are more optimistic, but a difficult year awaits livestock farmers

By: Trademagazin editor Date: 2021. 01. 25. 11:25
The expectations of agricultural participants have improved by the end of the fourth quarter of last year, compared to the previous quarter, but typically growers are optimistic and livestock farmers are more pessimistic about 2021 due to high grain prices – the managing director of Takarékbank’s agricultural business told at a press conference in Budapest on Monday.

Hollósi Dávid explained that the Takarék AgrárTrend Index, which presents the outlook for the agricultural and food industry of the bank, rose to 31.8 points from 30.5 points a quarter earlier on a 48-point scale. The quarterly index is based on a survey of a representative group of the Bank’s agri-food customers and the largest interprofessional organizations, as well as analysts’ forecasts. (MTI)