Tag "WebEye"

A WebEye eltörli a belépési díjakat és fix, havi díjas elszámolásra vált

Új díjcsomagjaival új üzleti filozófiát honosít meg a 2018-as pénzügyi évet hatmilliárd forintot meghaladó árbevétellel és közel egymilliárd forintos EBITDA-val záró WebEye Telematics Zrt.  A régió piacvezető telematikai szereplőjeként a...

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Magazine: Stricter rules make life more difficult for freight forwarders

As global trading develops, demand is increasing for the services of shipping and logistics companies. Market players are focusing on a customer-centred service. According to Zsuzsanna Niklós, sales director of...

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The future of logistics: automated tools for speed and security

Self-driven trucks, automated warehouses, vehicle tracking, drons – these are not from a Hollywood science fiction film, but are the logistical solutions of the future. With the spread of these...

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The largest private freight IT cooperation of the Hungarian road freight transport was signed

The domestic business branch of Waberer's International, the Waberer’s- Szemerey Logisztikai Kft. chose the telematics solution of the WebEye to monitor of its vehicles and to analyze telematics. The value...

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