Tag "vízhiány"

During the period of permanent water shortage, it is possible to irrigate without a water law permit

The Ministry of Agriculture supported the initiative of the Association of Hungarian Farmers’ Cooperatives and Farmers’ Cooperatives and the National Chamber of Agriculture, following which the Ministry of the Interior...

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The permanent water shortage period was announced at the initiative of NAK and MAGOSZ

Following the initiative of the National Chamber of Agriculture and the Association of Hungarian Farmers’ Associations and Farmers’ Cooperatives, the Minister of the Interior announced a permanent water shortage period...

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This year, you do not have to pay an agricultural water service fee for irrigation

Climate extremes, the difficult economic situation caused by the war raging in our neighbor, and the unprecedented rise in energy and input prices pose significant challenges to agriculture. The historic...

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Spain and northern Italy were hit by drought

A significant part of Spain is affected by drought, and in the northern part of Italy, the autumn crops grow in difficult conditions due to the lack of water, the...

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Spain may face a serious water shortage this year, which will also affect agriculture

Spain may face a serious water shortage this year, as the contents of water reservoirs have dropped to 50.7 percent of their capacity due to unusually dry weather, the Spanish...

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Water restrictions have been introduced in Tunisia

Water restrictions have been introduced in Tunisia, in the North African country struggling with the economic crisis and years of drought, the regulations will probably hit the agricultural sector the...

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Pál Réthy: water management must be treated as a priority strategic issue

In Hungary, water management must be treated as an issue of strategic importance for the future – said the Deputy Secretary of State for Public Employment and Water Affairs of...

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Climate, water and food security fears appear on the consumer radar

Consumers are more worried about climate change today than ever before. According to new research results from the 2022 Mintel Consulting Sustainability Barometer, the number of global consumers citing climate...

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The plum season is in full swing: despite the spring frost and the summer drought, the harvest is close to average

The European Fresh Team – the educational program of the National Chamber of Agriculture promoting the consumption of vegetables and fruits – and its athlete ambassador, Attila Valter, got to...

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OVF: the drought has eased, the need for irrigation has decreased

Due to the wetter weather of the last few days and the amount of water coming from the watersheds of the large rivers, the drought has eased, and in addition,...

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The drought is getting worse, but according to the OVF, water needs still be met

The drought is expected to intensify, but national water needs can still be met. In 10 of the twelve water directorates, preparedness to protect against water shortages is in effect,...

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A serious lack of water is coming up

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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Preventing the global water crisis is a priority topic at the Budapest Water Summit

The 2019 Budapest Water Summit three-day conference focusing on preventing global water crises, including water scarcity, high water and polluted water issues – the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (KKM) told....

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Geologist: severe water crisis threatens the earth

A serious water crisis is threatening the Earth, and a quarter of its population is no longer supplied with sufficient or adequate quality of drinking water – geologist Juhász Árpád...

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A quarter of the Earth’s population is facing critical water shortages

Seventeen countries, mostly in Africa and the Middle East, are already experiencing one of the most cruel symptoms of climate change, extreme water shortage – privatbankar.hu wrote. According to a...

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Agrarian Chamber: drought can cause 100 billion HUF damage to maize production

Drought can cause damage to 100 billion HUF in terms of maize production, and the National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) requested from the Minister of Interior Pintér Sándor to proclaim...

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GOSZ expects low prices on the wheat market

Cereal producers may hope for a good-average crop this year, but still some precipitation is needed to reach this goal – Vancsura József, Chairman of the National Association of Cereal...

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Fazekas: GMO dissemination is not the remedy for water shortage

The dissemination of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) is not the remedy for water shortage in agriculture – Fazekas Sándor Minister of Agriculture emphasized on Saturday in Berlin at the Global...

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International cooperation is needed to solve the problems resulting from water scarcity

Global solidarity, international cooperation is needed to solve the problems resulting from water scarcity – Kégler Ádám, International deputy director of the Antall József Knowledge Center told MTI after the...

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