Tag "vendégéjszakák"

The number of guest nights increased by almost 10 percent in February

In February, the negative impact of the coronavirus epidemic has not yet materialized in the guest traffic. The number of nights spent by foreign guests in commercial accommodation increased by...

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Tourism in Hévíz set a new record

The number of guest nights in Hévíz increased last year’s record year – the mayor of the town said at a press conference on Thursday. Papp Gábor (Fidesz-KDNP) said that...

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2019 was a record year in tourism

2019 was a record-breaking year for Hungarian tourism: the number of guests staying at commercial places of accommodation reached 12.8 million, and these people spent 31.3 million guest nights there....

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KSH: more tourists came to Hungary last year

192 thousand more (3.2 percent) more foreign guests a total of 6.137 million foreign guests (2.3 percent more) spent 15.687 million overnight stays in commercial accommodation in 2019, compared to...

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The number of Romanian guest nights increased

From January to the end of November, the number of guest nights at commercial accommodation establishments in Romania increased by 5.1 percent, compared to the same period of last year...

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The hotel industry in numbers

A monthly report by the Hungarian Hotel and Restaurant Association (MSZÉSZ) on the hotel industry’s performance in the first 9 months of 2019 reveals that there are approximately 60,000 hotel...

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Airbnb strengthened further in the Budapest market

Airbnb was able to further increase its already high market share in Budapest, and in recent years, the regulations for downtown districts have not been able to curb its expansion...

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KSH: the turnover of commercial accommodations increased in August

In August, the turnover of commercial accommodation increased. The 4.634 million spent guest nights increased by 1.6 percent, compared to August last year – according to the Central Statistical Office...

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The number of guest nights increased by 6.7 percent this year in Romania

In Romania, 20,874 million guest nights were recorded at tourist accommodation establishments in the first eight months, 6.7 percent more than in the same period of last year – according...

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KSH: the turnover of commercial accommodation decreased in July

In July, the number of foreign visitors decreased by 2.4 percent and the guest nights spent by them decreased by 5.4 percent. In July, 687,000 guests spent 1,884 million guest...

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The number of guest nights decreased in Romania by 1.1 percent in the first half of the year

In the first half of this year, the number of guest nights in Romania decreased by 1.1 percent to 10,242 million – according to the Romanian National Institute of Statistics....

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The dwellers of our continent spent more than six million guest nights in other European countries

The citizens of the European Union are traveling more and more often. According to a recently published set of statistical data reveals the most popular destinations – penzcentrum.hu wrote. Hungary...

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The number of guest nights increased by ten percent in Romania

In Romania, the number of overnight stays increased by 9.9 percent to 8.415 million in the first five months of this year – the Romanian National Statistical Institute announced on...

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In the first four months of this year, the number of guest nights in Romania increased by 9 percent

In the first four months of this year, the number of guest nights in Romania rose by 9.1 percent to 6.253 million, compared to the same period last year, the...

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MTÜ: Hungarian tourism started the year well

According to the report of the Hungarian Central Statistical Office (KSH) published on Friday, foreign guests spent 4.1 percent less, domestic guests spent 4.7 percent less guest nights at domestic...

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KSH: Easter effect determined the March tourism data

In March, the Easter effect determined the tourism statistics. While the number of nights spent by foreign and domestic guests decreased, compared to the third quarter of last year as...

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The number of guest nights in Romania increased by nearly ten percent

In the first two months, the number of overnight stays in Romania rose by 9.8 percent to 2.969 million, compared to the same period of last year – the Romanian...

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KSH January is not a peak season for Hungarian accommodations

In January, foreign guests spent 1.2 percent less, and domestic guests 0.1 percent less guest nights at commercial accommodation establishments than a year before – the Central Statistical Office (KSH)...

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Hotels perform better than before the crisis

Hungarian hotels achieved and even surpassed the pre-crisis performance of 2008 – Flesch Tamás, president of the Association of Hungarian Hotels and Restaurants told M1 news channel on Friday. Last...

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KSH: commercial accommodation establishments received 5.2 percent more guests in 2018

Commercial accommodations registered 5.2 percent more, 12.5 million guests, and 3.8 percent more 30.9 million guest nights last year. Foreign guests spent 2.4 percent more, and domestic guests spent 5.3...

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Tourism Center: the performance of commercial accommodations may broke record in Budapest last year

According to the data of the first 11 months of last year, the number of guests and the number of guest nights in the commercial accommodations of the capital probably...

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The number of guest nights increased in Romania

Between January and November last year, the number of guest nights in Romania rose by 5.9 percent compared to the same period of last year – the Romanian National Statistical...

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The number of guest nights grew by 5.5 percent in the first ten months in Romania

The number of guest nights spent in accommodations increased by 5.5 percent to 24.848 million in the first ten months in Romania, compared to the same period of last year...

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The traffic of commercial accommodations increased in Nyíregyháza

Compared to the same period of the previous year, the number of guests arriving increased by almost ten and the number of guest nights they spent increased by more than...

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KSH: domestic tourism grew by almost 8 percent in September

In September, the number of nights spent by domestic guests grew by 7.9 percent in commercial accommodation and the number of nights spent by foreign guests fell by 0.5 percent,...

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The number of guest nights in Budapest is close to seven million in the first eight months

Budapest’s commercial guest turnover continued to grow in August, with the number of guest nights close to seven million in January-August – the Budapest Festival and Tourism Center announced on...

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The turnover of hotels increased by 2.9 percent in August

In August, the number of foreign guests increased by 2.7 percent, while the number of guest nights they spent decreased by 0.2 percent. The number of domestic guests was 5.6...

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In the first eight months, the number of guest nights increased by 4.2 percent in Romania

In the first eight months, the number of guest nights increased by 4.2 percent to 19.569 million, compared to the same period of last year – according to the Romanian...

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Colliers: The number of guest nights spent at Airbnb accommodations in Budapest increased by 35 percent

Last year, the number of guest nights spent at Airbnb accommodations in Budapest was close to 1.5 million, 35 percent more than a year before, Colliers told MTI on Wednesday....

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The number of foreign tourists grew in Romania

In the first seven months of this year, the number of foreign tourists grew by 4.3 percent to 1,591 million in Romania, compared to the same period of last year...

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