Tag "Vecsés"

Thanks to the Weerts Logistics Park (WLP), Vecsés is going green

The humus wall created in the Weerts Logistics Park (WLP) logistics park in Vecsés, built in an environmentally conscious spirit, serves to reduce noise and dust pollution. In the eco-conscious...

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Cabbage festival in Vecsés

The nineteenth Vecsés Cabbage Festival to be held this weekend. According to the organizers, at the event the visitors can see the largest cabbage in the country, take part in...

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An illegal cigarette factory was found in Vecsés

An illegal cigarette factory was found two years ago in Vecsés. 2.5 million cigarettes and 12 tons of cigarettes were seized. A lawsuit was filed against 13 people – the...

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The Nébih seized more than 2.5 tons of food products in Vecsés

The National Food Chain Safety Office (NÉBIH) ordered the destruction of more than 2.5 tons of expired and unlabeled food of unknown origin. Among the destroyed goods, the experts of...

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Needy family’s home was renovated in Vecsés

A needy family in Vecsés can live in an insulated house, in orderly environment in the future thanks to Vecsés Industry Board and the Praktiker store. The charitable assistance, which...

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Nébih: illegal pickles producers was found in Vecsés

A small producer inVecsés produced pickles without a license among extremely poor sanitary conditions. The inspectors of the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) seized about 38 tons of products...

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Europe's largest illegal cigarette factory was detected in Vecsés

Europe's largest illegal cigarette factory was detected in Vecsés – the staff of the National Tax and Customs Authority announced at a press conference on Tuesday. Photo: NAV At the...

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