Tag "vámmentesség"

The destructive effect of Chinese honey can only be mitigated with EU instruments

Domestic beekeepers are optimistic about this year’s acacia season, however, due to the persistently low purchase prices caused by the influx of Chinese – mostly counterfeit – honey into the...

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Hungarian agriculture must respond to changing external conditions

Farmers must respond to rapid and drastic changes in the economic environment, weather conditions and consumer habits, and the Hungarian government will help this process in the future – promised...

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Harvesting has been completed in most places

The head of the ministry drew attention to the fact that the significant amount of precipitation that fell in the last week made harvesting work difficult and stopped. Unharvested grain has...

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Poland asks the European Commission to review the import of additional Ukrainian agricultural products in addition to cereals

Warsaw will propose to the European Commission (EC) that, in addition to the cereal import ban, it also examines the risks of importing additional Ukrainian agricultural products, the Polish Prime...

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The agrarian chambers of the Visegrad countries protest against the duty-free import of Ukrainian grain

The agrarian chambers of the four Visegrad countries call on the European Commission to stop the duty-free import of Ukrainian grain into the European Union, Jan Dolezal, the president of...

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We can maintain the import ban on Ukrainian agricultural products

During the negotiations with the officials of the European Commission, it was achieved that Hungary can continue to maintain the results and measures related to the ban on the import...

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Our country banned the import of 25 agricultural products from Ukraine

In order to protect Hungarian farmers and consumers, the government ordered a temporary ban with effect from Wednesday on the import of the most important cereals from Ukraine, as well...

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Hungary bans the import of agricultural products from Ukraine

The government is committed to representing the interests of the Hungarian farming community, which is why, in the absence of meaningful EU measures, it will temporarily ban the importation of...

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The agriculture ministers of Central European countries are once again taking joint action against Ukrainian imports

The agriculture ministers of the Central European member states suffering from Ukrainian imports discussed the need to limit the duty-free status of Ukrainian agricultural products. There is complete agreement that...

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The Polish Minister of Agriculture has resigned

Polish Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Henryk Kowalczyk resigned on Wednesday, having linked his decision to Ukrainian grain exports flowing into Poland. Announcing his decision at a press conference,...

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Exemption from customs duties and import duties on products imported to combat the epidemic

According to the decision of the European Commission, published on 3 April, importers imported goods into the European Union from a third country to fight the COVID-19 epidemic do not...

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