Tag "Újszászi Bogár László"

Persuasion Techniques – Video of the Day

There are big talkers, there are people who can influence others intelligently, or who can group arguments more purposefully than average to make certain decisions – their science is called...

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This is how we can use the Barnum effect to convince customers

Why is it that we believe so much in horoscopes? Have you ever felt that the description of your horoscope fits you perfectly, as if it were personalized? And what...

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László Újszászi Bogár: Is one “why” enough to convince?

One of the most effective ways of persuasion is to get the person you want to convince to convince himself. At first, this sounds like an extremely difficult task, but...

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Újszászi Bogár László: a smiling face makes people eat and buy more

The experiment of Piotr Winkielman, a researcher at the University of California, San Diego, and Kent C. Berridge, who works at the University of Michigan, shows that the sight of...

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