Tag "turizmus"

KSH: the traffic of commercial accommodations grew by 3.8 percent

The number of nights spent by foreign visitors increased by 1.9, the number of guest nights of the domestic tourists increased by 6.1 percent in May. The total traffic measured...

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140-150 thousand guests are expected to the Balaton Sound

The Balaton Sound started in Zamárdi on Wednesday. The organizers expect 140-150 thousand festival goers during the five days of the festival. This year the event focuses on the water...

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The number of Hungarian tourists is steadily rising in Croatia

In the first six months of the year, the data of the Hungarian visitors is among the three fastest-rising countries in the number of guests and the time spent. The...

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NGM: the government does not change the system of the SZÉP-cards

The growth of domestic tourism in 2014 was mainly the result of expanded Hungarian tourist traffic which is due to the success of the Széchenyi Rest (SZÉP) Cards. According to...

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Tunisia awaits the travelers with discounts and increased safety

After the terror attack, Tunisia introduced several measures to strengthen security in order to reassure tourists, in addition will provide plenty of discounts to hotels, tour operators to stimulate sales...

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New tourist Deputy CEO at the Magyar Turizmus Zrt.

The Magyar Turizmus Zrt. (Hungarian National Tourist Office) hereby informs the representatives of the travel trade and the media that from 1 July 2015 Glázer Tamás will be the deputy...

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The Lake Balaton has become an all-season tourist destination

The Lake Balaton – thanks to the development of and marketing of the recent years – has become an all-season tourist destination. It is providing special programs at any time...

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Nearly half a billion HUF state support for key summer festivals

This year, the government supports the Sziget, Volt and Balaton Sound Festivals with a total of 150 million HUF, while the Nagyon Balaton will receive 337 million HUF – the...

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60 percent of the EU citizens spend summer holiday in their own country

The majority of the European Union citizens go on holiday during the summer season between June and September, and most of them spend the holiday in their home country, while...

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The Castle Bath in Gyula plans another green investment

In the future, the Gyulai Várfürdő Kft. wants to convert the “by-product” of thermal water, the gas coming from the thermal wells into electricity. The company recently took over the...

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NGM: the narrowing of the applicability of SZÉP-cards is not on the agenda

The narrowing of the applicability of the Széchenyi Rest Cards (SZÉP-cards) is not on the agenda at the Ministry of National Economy (NGM). The MTI Ministry of National Economy (NGM)...

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Tourists in the shadow of the Greek bankruptcy

No agreement has not born yet between the Greek government and the creditors. Greece goes bankrupt within days or can even exit from the euro zone, while the tourist season...

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The Ministeralso takes part at the 20th Hungarian Wine Route Rally

Fazekas Sándor, Minister of Agriculture will also drive at the 20th Hungarian Wine Route Rally, which will take place between 28 and 30 August. Megay Róbert Péter, co-chairman of the...

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OTP: the tightening in the usage of the Széchenyi Rest Cards can have an adverse effect on tourism

The OTP Bank is concerned about the proposed amendmentof the Széchenyi Rest Card system that was raised last week, because the Bank believes that any tightening the usage of the...

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A record in revenue and in the number of visitors in the baths in Budapest during the weekend

The 12 bath units of the Budapest Gyógyfürdői és Hévizei Zrt. (Spas and Hot Springs of Budapest Inc.) received 62 thousand guests on Saturday and Sunday. Palatinus bath, source: palatinus.hu...

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UNWTO: tourism in Europe may grow by 3-4 percent this year

This year, the growth in the number of international tourist arrivals is expected to be around 3-4 percent worldwide. In Europe, a similar growth is expected – according to the...

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Tourists spent more money in Hungary

The expansion of the amount spent by tourists in Hungary exceeded the growth rate of their guest nights. Ruszinkó Ádám, Deputy Minister of State of the Ministry of National Economy...

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The Austrian tourists spent the most money in Hungary

The Austrian visitors spent the most (41 billion HUF) in Hungary in the first quarter of this year – according to the Statistical Mirror publication of the Central Statistical Office...

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The community hotel sharing sites strengthens tourism, however, weakens the traditional accommodations

The appereance of the community hotel sharing sites is strengthening tourism, but weakening the traditional accommodations, however, these sites can have a positive effect on the entire sector – Karakasné...

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An increasing number of Hungarian tourists are traveling to Croatia

During the first five months of 2015, the number of Hungarian tourists show the fastest growth in Croatia, after the tourists of Germany, South Korea and the United States –...

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Thousands of tourists complaining due to the Sunday store closure at the Lake Balaton

Chaotic conditions occured on the first Sunday of the Hot Summer Season at the Lake Balaton: thousands of angry tourists were in fret, because of the closed shops – the...

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Cultural and gastronomic festivals during the summer in Eger

The city of Eger awaits the visitors with thematic historical, gastronomical, cultural festivals and music programs from early June to late August. This year, the program series will start with...

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MUISZ: most people booked their hoilday to Greece

On the basis of the booking data, most people booked bus or airplane charter vacation to Greece – Bakó Balázs, member of the Communications Committee of the Hungarian Association of...

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The new wellness section of the Liget Hotel was handed over in Szarvas

The four-star Liget Wellness and Conference Hotel in Szarvas has doubled its wellness section with a nearly 400 million HUF investment. (Photo: szallas.hu) Due to the development the Liget Wellness...

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Hotel Association: collaboration and VAT reduction is needed to achieve growth

The Hungarian hotels have tremendous growth opportunities that are not yet exploited. To reach success joining forces and VAT reduction is needed in the sector – the president of the...

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Renewed hospitality at the Lake Balaton

A showcase will take place on Saturday in Keszthely, which will aim to present the dishes and drinks of the summer from the culinary offer of the Lake Balaton –...

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We spend more money this year than last summer

According to the survey of the trivago.hu travel website this year the Hungarians are looking for mostly the same destinations as last summer, but on average they are willing to...

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The Consumer Protection Authority to start the summer tourism checks

The National Consumer Protection Authority (NFH) and the consumer protection unit of the county government agencies will start the summer tourism checks on 1 June – Kiss Anita, press officer...

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Széchenyi Rest Card: 1.8 billion HUF still need to be used

Around HUF 1.8 billion HUF has not still used from the Széchenyi Rest Card although the deadline of the 2013 to 2015 cards expires on May 31 – card issuers...

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More than 200 billion HUF on tourism development

The government will spend more than 200 billion HUF on tourism development in the next five years – Csepreghy Nándor Deputy Minister of State of the Prime Minister's Office told...

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