Tag "turizmus"

Budapest has become a center of river cruise tourism

According to the Hungarian Tourism Office (MT Zrt.) the turnover of hotel ships continues to increase. According to the estimates of the Hungarian Tourism Office (MT Zrt.), in 2014 the...

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The Hungarian National Tourist Office and the BFTK Nonprofit Kft. signed a strategic agreement

The Hungarian National Tourist Office (Magyar Turizmus Zrt.) and the Budapest Festival and Tourism Centre Nonprofit Ltd. (Budapesti Fesztivál- és Turisztikai Központ (BTFK) Nonprofit Kft.) signed a strategic agreement. Under...

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Ready, set, the Hungarian Wine Route Rally is ready to start

At dawn on 28 August the 100 car fleet of the Hungarian Wine Route Rally will start their engines, and the 1,000-kilometers long rally begins. This year the rally that...

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Trivago: Siófok and Budapest are the most popular destinations for the long weekend

According to the trivago.hu accomodiation price comparison portal, the most popular destinations for the National Day long weekend are Budapest the Lake Balaton and the spa resorts, the two most...

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NGM: the Széchenyi Rest Cards play a key role in the domestic tourism

In June, the Széchenyi Rest Card usage at commercial accommodations increased by 5.4 percent, compared to the same period last year. In June almost 1.5 billion HUF was spent by...

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Foreign tourists who asks for an invoice can win in Croatia

The Croatian Ministry of Finance announced a prize winning game for foreign tourists called “Give me the bill,” reported the 24sata Croatian daily newspaper. The foreign tourists, who are on...

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Tourism is supported with shortened work weeks in China

Reducing summer working hours is among proposals by the State Council aimed at boosting tourism and reviving China's economy – reported in the Chinese media about the State Council’s decision....

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KSH: tourist traffic increased by 4.9 percent in June at commercial accommodations

The number of nights spent by foreign visitors increased by 5.9 percent, while the nights spent by domestic tourists increased by 3.9 percent in June compared with a year before....

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Sziget: the festival has its seven millionth visitor

Boday Eszter is the seven millionth visitor of the Sziget Festival. Gerendai Károly main organizer gave her an eternal Sziget-ticket on Wednesday. The 28-year-old Csepel resident works as a technical...

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The Castle of Déva was added to the Minature Hungary in Szarvas

The country’s only interactive maquette park in Szarvas was expanded with a new historical building; the Castle of Déva. The latest mini building of the model park was inaugurated by...

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The Hungarian National Tourist Office launched a dog-friendly accommodations promotional campaign

The Hungarian National Tourist Office (Magyar Turizmus (MT) Zrt.) has announced a promotional campaign aims to promote dog-friendly accommodations for August and September. The campaign titled Travel with a Dog...

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This year’s Sziget Festival is expected to break records

Thousands of people arrived to the Sziget Festival on Sunday, before Monday's first official (minus-first) day. The vast majority of the festival goers are coming from abroad, and there is...

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The occupancy rate of tourist hotels continued to rise in the Czech Republic

The number of guests in the Czech Republic’s, hotels, motels and campgrounds increased by almost ten percent in this year's second quarter on an annual level. This positive trend is...

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A four-day Hungarikum festival in Szeged

The aim of the Hungarikum festival organized in Szeged is to familiarize the domestic population and visiting tourists with the hungaricums and the Hungarian inventions that are included into the...

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The number of Hungarian tourists is growing the fastest in Croatia

The number of Hungarian tourists and guest nights increased by almost one-fifth in Croatia in July this year compared with a year before. This is the largest growth in terms...

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The tourism revenues of Budapest may increase with up to one billion euros in the medium term

In the medium term, the tourism revenues of Budapest may increase with up to one billion euros – according to the comparative study of the Roland Berger consulting firm, conducted...

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The number of tourists has increased in Romania by 15 percent in the first half of the year

In the first half of the year, the number of tourists in Romania increased by about 15 percent, compared to the same period of the last year – the Romanian...

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The web accommodation services increased demand for downtown apartments by 40 percent

The spread of the web accommodation services speeded the housing market up in the center of Budapest. The turnover in one year increased by 40 percent, while prices rose by...

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Record passenger traffic at Ferihegy: the one millionth passenger was welcomed within a month

On 30 July Budapest Liszt Ferenc International Airport welcomed its one millionth passenger within a month. The Liszt Ferenc International Airport has never received so many passengers in one month....

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Chinese tourists are spending more and more in the Czech Republic

In the first half of this year, in per capita spendings the Chinese tourists have surpassed the Russians – the Global Blue company announced on Monday. The Global Blue that...

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Tourist accommodation development in the pálinka distillery in Tuzsér

The Gyümölcspárlat Bt. built accommodations with a fifty million HUF EU and domestic investment at the site of the pálinka distillery in Tuzsér, Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county. The investment was handed over...

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Almost fifty baths at the Night of the Baths

Almost Fifty-baths have joined to the Night of the Baths throughout the country and the registration period still lasts. The Night of the Baths will be held on 31 July...

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Vivid traffic at the Tolna County resorts

The major resorts of Tolna county experienced more traffic than last year. The free beaches, accommodations and the larger baths are all full in July. In Dombori, located near the...

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The 20th Hungarian Wine Route Rally will start with on 28 August

Already more than 90 pairs have entered to the 20th Hungarian Wines Way Rally, which will take place between 28 and 30 August. Megay Róbert Péter, co-chairman of the organizing...

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A consumer protection mobile app helps travelers going abroad

A consumer protection mobile app will help travelers going abroad: The ECC-Net: Travel is available in 25 languages and helps in consumer protection problems that may occur abroad. Kriesch Attila...

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No rooms left in the hotels near the Balaton and in Budapest

The tourism organizations expects sold out weekends in the forthcoming weeks near the Lake Balaton and in Budapest. Hoffmann Henrik, president of the Balaton TDM Association told MTI that this...

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Hungary is a cheap tourist destination

According to a touristic survey based on figures from the last 4 years Hungary is a cheap tourist destination – 100 euros spent by Austrian tourists worth far more in...

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CIB Research: half of the tourists use cash and credit cards in the same proportion

According to CIB Bank's recent research, half of the summer travelers use cash and credit cards in the same proportion. 22 percent of them choose the credit card payment when...

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Balaton Sound: 145 thousand people partied on the shore this year

The Balaton Sound has reached last year’s record number of visitorst his year: during the five days of the festival 145 thousand visitors partied on the shore of the Lake...

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(HU) Biztató eredmények a turizmusban


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