Tag "turizmus"

Twenty-one Hungarian baths acquired the National Certification Mark of Baths already

Twenty-one Hungarian baths acquired the National Certification Mark of Baths in 2015. The National Certification Mark of Baths was introduced in 2015 – the Hungarian Spa Association told MTI. The...

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The use of the OTP Széchenyi Rest Cards increased at the end of the year

The use of the OTP Széchenyi Rest Cards increased sharply last December. The cardholders spent approximately one billion HUF more in the last month of the year than in December...

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A record number of Hungarian tourists visited Croatia last year

A record number of Hungarian tourists visited Croatia last year, more than 470 thousand Hungarian guests spent more than 2.5 million nights in Croatia in 2015 – the Croatian National...

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The tourist traffic has continued to grow during the holidays

According to the preliminary data, the tourist trafficcontinued to increase during the holidays, Budapest has become one of the most popular destinations in Europe – Ruszinkó Ádám, Deputy Minister of...

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Hotel Association: tourism closed a successful year

Tourism closed a successful year in 2015 with an annual increase of 16 percent in tourist arrivals – the president of the Hungarian Association of Hotels and Restaurants (MSZÉSZ) told...

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More and more people use the SZÉP-card on Sundays

The Sunday use of the Széchenyi Rest Cards (SZÉP-cards) increased by twenty percent this year compared with last year. Ruszinkó Ádám Deputy Minister of State of the Ministry of National...

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Trivago: Hungarian hotels are filling up for New Year's Eve

According to the data of the trivago.hu hotel price comparison portal, Budapest is among the most popular New Year's destinations in Europe, and soon no rooms will be available for...

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Utazásnet.hu: half of the year-end tours leads to Italy

About half of the winter holiday bookings on the sites of the Utazasnet.hu are directed to Italian destinations, mainly to Rome, Sicily and Tuscany – according to the survey of...

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Tourism may close a record year this year

Tourism may close a record year in 2015. According to the forecasts, the projected revenue is expected to be more than 350 billion HUF. Lepsényi István, Minister of State of...

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KSH: the turnover of commercial accommodations continued to increase

The number of guest nights spent by domestic tourists increased by 6.2 percent and by foreign visitors declined by 3.4 percent in October, compared with a year before. The traffic...

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Conference: Climate change also has an impact on tourism

The effects of climate change can be detected in road accident statistics and in the tourism industry as well – was said at a conference in Budapest on Tuesday. At...

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The number of overnight stays increased by more than three percent in the Central Danubian region

In the January-September period, the number of overnight stays increased by 3.5 percent in the Central Danubian region over the same period of the previous year – the Hungarian National...

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All fours seasons at the Lake Balaton

The sconeries and the beach bars are closed, but in spite of the sometimes Arctic winds and cold the lake is not empty. The hosts of the region have joined...

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Szallas.hu: the best accomodiations of the year were rewarded

The best accomodiations of the year awards were distributed: on the basis of more than 300 thousand guest ratings, 60 thousand votes and the decision of the professional jury, the...

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Spas in Hungary closed a good year

The spas in Hungary can close a good year. Their guest traffic reached 37.9 million after last year's 40 million – the Deputy Minister of State of the Ministry of...

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Hotel Association: a double-digit growth in the turnover of hotels in Hungary

In the first three quarters the gross sales of the hotels in Hungary exceeded 11.8 percent, compared to the previous year, reaching nearly 250 billion HUF, while the gross room...

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NGM: the tourism application that aims to support the development of health resorts has appeared

A tourism application that aims to support the development of health resorts has appeared within the Economic Development and Innovation Operational Programme (GINOP) on Friday – Rákossy Balázs, Minister of...

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MT Zrt .: Budapest remains a popular conference venue

Significant international interest surrounds Budapest as a conference venue: The aim of the negotiations on the trade shows is to bring more business events Hungary in the 2016-2020's period –...

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MT Zrt.: 2016 will be the Year of Gastro Experiences

The next year will be the Year of Gastro Experiences, according to the marketing strategy of the Hungarian National Tourism Ltd. (MT Zrt.) Faragó Péter, Executive Director of the National...

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NGM: two billion HUF for tourism development

A two billion HUF application on tourism development was announced within the framework of the Economic Development and Innovation Operational Programme (Ginop). To the application tourism destination management (TDM) organizations...

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More than 300 billion HUF for the development of the Lake Balaton region

It is a historical moment that sources were ordered to implement the strategic objectives of the Lake Balaton region, which had not happened since the system change – Bóka István,...

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Discussions on the opening hours near the Lake Balaton

The Lake Balaton Association (BSZ) consits of municipalities near the lake would like to achieve the shops to be open on Sunday for a few occassions during the summer instead...

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Hungary can not miss the World Travel Market

The Hungarian National Tourist Office is participating at the tourism industry's leading event, the World Travel Market (WTM) fair in London with a spectacular stand this year. At the fair...

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More and more tourists are coming from the UK

The number of tourists from the UK shows a dynamic growth: in January-August, 606 thousand British guest nights were recorded at the Hungarian commercial accommodations which is close to last...

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The number of guest night increased by 3.9 percent in Siófok

The tourism association of Siófok assessed this year’s tourist season extremely good at the city's last board meeting. According to the figures of the local government the number of registered...

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Hotel Association: the Hotelstars Union is a good solution to harmonize the classification

The European Parliament (EP) believes that the Hotelstars Union (HSU) is a good initiative to harmonize the hotel classification systems – the Hungarian Association of Hotels and Restaurants told MTI...

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The Milan expo ends on Saturday

The Expo2015 world exhibition in Milan closes its doors on Saturday. During the past half year, more than 21 million visitors were registered at the Expo2015 – according to the...

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The European Parliament decided about the amendment of the consumer protection rules for journeys

The European Parliament (EP) voted about the amendment of the consumer protection rules for journeys, so in the future the same regulations will be applied to organized trips reserved on...

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A double-digit growth in the number of American tourists this year

A double-digit growth is expected in the number of tourists coming from overseas, in the first eight months of the year – the Hungarian Tourism (MT) Ltd. told MTI. In...

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Hotel Association: hotels in Hungary continued to increase turnover

The turnover of the hotels in Hungary continued to increase. In the first eight months of the year, the gross sales of hotels exceeded the previous year by 11.6 percent...

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