Tag "turizmus"

Fifty billion HUF tourism development in Northern Hungary

In the coming years, the government will spend more than 50 billion HUF on the development of the Tokaj-Hegyalja, the Upper Tisza and the Nyírség region from domestic and EU...

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Two-digit growth in hotels in the first quarter

The hotels in Hungary reached a 2-digit growth in the first quarter: the total gross hotel turnover of the hotels increased by 10.7 percent and gross room revenues increased by...

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The best conference and wellness hotels were awarded

Six Hungarian conference and wellness hotels received the Aranynap Award (Gold Day Award) for their outstanding quality services in 2016; The award that rewards the whole year’s work of the...

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More than two thousand illegal accommodations were closed by the local government in Barcelona

More than two thousand illegal tourist accommodations were closed in Barcelona over the past 16 months – the city council said. During the inspections, almost 5500 illegal tourist accommodations were...

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Tourism agency: tourism started the year well

Tourism started the year well. Primarily the number of foreign visitors rose, and a growth was registered at 8 out of 10 of the country’s most significant sending markets –...

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KSH: tourism grew by 4 percent in March

In March, the number of foreign guests increased by 9.0 percent, and the number of foreign guest nights increased by 8.0 percent to 946 thousand. The number of domestic guests...

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The Budapest Airport reached one million passengers in April

Compared to previous years, the Liszt Ferenc International Airport has reached one million passengers in April, much more than in the previos years. According to a statement of the Budapest...

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Spain is the EU’s most popular tourist destination

Spain was the most popular country for tourists in the European Union in 2015, according to statistics published by the European Union’s Statistical Office, Eurostat for 2015. Last year nearly...

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Tourism and cultural cooperation between eight Hungarian cities

A cooperation agreement was signed on Monday with the leaders of the cities of Balatonfüred, Debrecen, Győr, Gyula, Kecskemét, Komárom, Szolnok and Vác at the Petőfi Literary Museum in Budapest....

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The construction of the new hotel has started in Nyíregyháza-Sóstógyógyfürdő

The construction of the new 4-star wellness conference hotel in Nyíregyháza-Sóstógyógyfürdő has started. The 4 billion HUF investment is expected to be completed in May 2018, the mayor of the...

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European professional organizations urge the VAT reduction of hospitality and tourism services

The European professional organizations urge long-term VAT reduction on hospitality and tourism services, because it would be the key to maintaining the competitiveness of Europe’s tourism – the Hungarian Hotels...

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The number of tourists in Romania increased by almost 11 percent in the first quarter

The number of tourists in Romanian hotels grew by almost 11 percent in the first quarter of this year – according to the Romanian National Institute’s data published on Wednesday....

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Easter has sped the SZÉP card spendings, but still more than 3 billion HUF will expire this year

More than 3 billion HUF worth SZÉP card benefits still to be spent until the end of May. The Easter was a highlighted period, so a lot of the funds...

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Szallas.hu: four times more people travel on the long weekend

Even after the Easter record, the Hungarians still want to travel, and four times more people plan to travel for a long weekend on 1 May than at a typical...

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Bathing Association: It is essential to reduce VAT on bathing services

For the international competitiveness, it is essential to reduce the VAT on bathing services of the Hungarian baths from the current 27 percent to 18 percent from the next year....

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More and more Hungarian tourists travel to Germany

More and more Hungarian tourists travel to Germany. The number of guest nights spent by Hungarians has increased by 65.5 percent over the last ten years, which has already surpassed...

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Hungarian Tourism Ltd. is looking for the most promising cultural destination in Hungary

The new European Destinations of ExcelleNce (EDEN) application was launched under the Looking for the Rural Muse name. The application is looking for Hungary’s “most promising cultural destination”. The deadline...

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Open Balaton action with spring program series

128 restaurants, 108 programs, 156 hotels, a new cycling action around the lake and a number of dog-friendly programs will await those who visit the region between 28 April and...

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Szallas.hu: domestic tourism increased by 8 percent in the first quarter

Domestic tourism grew by eight percent in the first quarter. The most popular destinations are Budapest, Eger and Szeged – according to the latest analysis of the Szallas.hu portal. The...

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Accommodations to be developed from tourist tax in Hévíz

Accommodations could apply for property development from the tourist tax received in Héviz. The local government granted 16 million HUF for this purpose, the support rate is 100 percent –...

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Kaposvár develops tourism from ten billion HUF

Kaposvár spends ten billion HUF on local development for the expansion of tourism in the coming years – the City Hall told MTI. They said that the Csokonai inn to...

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New domestic tourism developments have been launched

Domestic tourism continues to achieve better and better results, so new tourism developments to start in Budapest and in the country – Kiss Róbert Richárd, tourism journalist told M1 news...

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According to experts, this year’s tourism prospects are favorable

This year’s tourism prospects are favorable, the occupancy and revenues may increase as well – experts told MTI referring to the latest data of the Central Statistical Office (KSH). According...

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KSH: the turnover of hotels increased by 6.5 percent in February

In February, the number of nights spent by foreign tourists increased by 7.8 percent, while the number of domestic guest nights increased by 5.2 percent, compared to the previous year....

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The four-day Easter may triple domestic traffic

Compared to last year, almost three times more domestic guests reserved accommodations already for the four-day Easter celebration of this year – according to the latest data of Szallas.hu. According...

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Hotel Association: wage increase is feasible in the tourism sector

The strong increase in wages can be achieved in the tourism sector, there is a clear need for the increase in wages – Könnyid László, the newly elected president of...

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Tourist agency: the average income in the tourism sector should be doubled

The average income in the tourism sector should be doubled in the coming year. In 2015 it was net 103 thousand HUF – Guller Zoltán, CEO of the Hungarian Tourism...

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The tourism-related tender worth more than 21 billion HUF was published

The integrated product and service development application in tourists frequented areas – worth 21.4 billion HUF – was published in the Economic Development and Innovation Operational Programme (GINOP). Rákossy Balázs,...

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Foreign tourists spent more in Romania last year

Foreign tourists spent five percent more in Romania in 2016, but spent 5 percent less per person, compared to the previous year – the Romanian national statistical institute announced on...

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More than ever resources will be allocated for tourism development

More than ever resources are available for the development of priority tourism areas by 2020. According to the already adopted government decision, the developments at the Lake Balaton will be...

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