Tag "tritikálé"

The barley is already in the granaries

This year, due to the dry and warm weather, the harvest of fall-sown field crops started about two weeks earlier than usual, and it continues continuously even in the heat:...

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A key issue is the farmer’s variety choice in field crop production

In the last hundred years, Hungarian breed breeding has been one of the most important professional pillars of domestic agriculture. During the challenging period, the issue of varieties, the presence...

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The autumn corn sowing season is about to begin

The fungal diseases that appeared after the cool, rainy spring caused significant problems for the fall corn seeds as well. According to the Interprofessional Organization and Product Council of the Seed...

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This summer’s harvest is coming to an end

This year’s summer harvest work is coming to an end. Compared to last year’s extremely droughty year, the harvest is more favorable and more than covers the domestic supply needs, but...

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Rains hamper sowing in Zala County

Spring sowing has begun in Zala county, but the rainy weather is hampering the work. So far, seeds have been sown on 2,500 hectares, while in the same period of...

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Future belongs to triticale

The man-bred grain, the triticale, combines the qualities of wheat and rye – agrarszektor.hu wrote. The crop can be grown in economically in poorer soil quality areas and has high...

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Triticale: healthy feed to achieve healthy meat

Due to its high nutritional value and cultivation attributions, the utilization of triticale as feed is becoming increasingly important – the director of the Szeged-based Gabonakutató Nonprofit Kft. (Cereal Research...

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