Tag "Trade magazin 2024/8-9"

Sustainability of people matters the most

Zoltán Gazsi, company manager of Eisberg has shed light on the human factor in his presentation: how to manage stress and what it takes to create an honest, inclusive corporate culture where...

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Cybercrime and AI: threats and opportunities

Cybersecurity futurologist and founder of the Info/Cybespace, Trends, Buzz and Networking Day (ITBN), Arthur Keleti has given an insight into the true nature of cybercrime, together with solution suggestions. This...

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Slowly we can make plans again

In May Trade magazin organised its BusinessMeetup&Dinner, where Szilvia Krizsó interviewed Péter Noszek, the CEO of Nestlé Hungária. Péter Noszek has worked at Nestlé for 33 years. He has been...

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Light at the end of the tunnel

We can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel, said Nenad Pacek, founder and president of Global Success Advisors and EMEA Business Group when talking about global...

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Voucher season kicks off in September

In our increasingly digital world, the popularity of paper vouchers remains undiminished. “The trend observed at the beginning of 2024 continued in the first half of the year, with Rewin...

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You are what you wear

Just like by the interior design, the first impression of a restaurant is also influenced by the way employees are dressed – it is part of the place’s image. This...

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What’s next? FMCG market exclusive for business decision-makers

This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2024/8-9 Nenad Pacek, founder and president of Global Success Advisors and EMEA Business Group, started the series of presentations. He reported...

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Chain Bridge Club’s June exclusive: Zoltán Poór, general manager of Puratos – Taste Tomorrow: holistic and sustainability considerations dominate

Taste Tomorrow is a research programme by Puratos that involves 20,000 consumers in 50 countries, and seeks to systematically map consumer preferences and purchasing habits in bakery, confectionery and chocolate...

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Without bubbles

While the popularity of bubbly drinks keeps growing all over the world, bubble-free drinks are becoming the beverage of choice for Generation Z consumers, many of whom are opting for...

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MMSZ Green Chapter: Green Club meeting at Auchan – ESG will only work together

The June meeting of the Green Chapter of the Hungarian Marketing Association (MMSZ) began with a short introduction by Hajnalka Széll, marketing and customer relations director of Auchan. Next CSR director...

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ESG conference: global outlook – Hungarian perspective

In December 2023 the Hungarian Parliament adopted the ESG Act by a large majority, which entered into force on 1 January 2024. A conference organised by the Climate Policy Institute...

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Global success from Miskolc: MiReHu’s awareness-raising programme reaches the top

Miskolc-based MiReHu Nonprofit Kft. has won another prestigious prize: the International Solidwaste Association (ISWA) honoured the company’s awareness-raising programme “May the R-power be with you, and you’ll be a superhero”...

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Coca-Cola wins CSR award in the social category for its female empowerment programme

In 2023 the Hungarian Red Cross and Coca-Cola launched a joint programme called “New Chances in the Labour Market”, to help disadvantaged women through education. Our magazine interviewed Judit Szalóky...

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Tech and track: the driving forces of FMCG dynamics

Several factors influence the Hungarian tracking market, such as technological development, for instance the spread of 4G and 5G, and the rise of Internet of Things (IoT) devices. This article...

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Switching to new packaging for carbon footprint reduction

Pharmaceutical product packaging accounts for a large part of the Scope 3 emissions of manufacturers. According to Metsä Board studies, fresh fibre paperboard can notably reduce the carbon footprint of...

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Fuel card: a real trump card

It is very important for FMCG fleets to be able to refuel quickly, without queuing. This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2024/8-9 In June the Shell MobilePayment...

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Unusual formats

Paper bottle packaging is still in a test phase in the world of alcoholic beverages. Nagy márkák kerültek papírpalackba az elmúlt 3 évben This article is available for reading in...

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Sustainability and innovation in packaging

This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2024/8-9 Since the launch of the waste concession, MOHU has taken a number of measures to increase the proportion of separately...

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High level wine training

From September wine and wine culture courses will be available in Hungarian and English at three Hungarian universities: Semmelweis University, Óbuda University and the Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed...

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Sustainable fleets, new challenges

The leasing market is undergoing a big transformation. New financing schemes and flexible leasing solutions are becoming increasingly popular among companies. These new approaches make it possible for them to...

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Balaton beers

The Zamárdi Nyitva! Entrepreneurs Association commissioned the Balatonföldvár-based brewery Helka with creating its first-ever lager, called Nyitva. The new craft beer is available on tap and in can format, and it...

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Salami brands: it is investment time

2023 was a year of inflation in the food sector, but the category of high meat content salamis was hit particularly hard by rising raw material prices. There was a...

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Health and superpower in a bottle

One of the fastest growing segments in recent years has been that of functional drinks. This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2024/8-9 At Coca-Cola HBC Magyarország they...

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Healthy nutrition, sustainable production

Kék Fehér Szív (Blue White Heart) is an organisation that brings together farmers, breeders, animal feed and food processing companies, retailers, distributors, but also actors such as health professionals, scientists...

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The hour of instant answers

This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2024/8-9 In a constantly restructuring market, one of the biggest achievements of the Hungarian Food Bank Association is that it has...

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No more nappy scare: Rossmann launches subscription scheme

Rossmann is the first in the domestic market to come out with a nappy subscription scheme. With automatically arriving packs of nappies, parents can easily manage their nappy stocks, and...

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Regina “Rotoloni” toilet paper to conquer Europe

Sofidel launches the Regina “Rotoloni” toilet paper, which will be available in Hungary, Spain, Poland, the Netherlands and Romania. Present in around 30 countries, Sofidel Group is one of the world’s...

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“Sustainability is a pillar of SPAR’s philosophy”

Our magazine interviewed Márk Maczelka, head of communications at SPAR Magyarország:  “Our company’s sustainability activities are defined by five main pillars: protecting the environment, food safety, promoting healthy lifestyles, protecting...

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BalatonWine 2024

With the cooperation of 19 wineries 100,000 bottles of this year’s BalatonWine, an easy-drinking and full-bodied Italian Riesling has been put on the market. BalatonWine began in 2016 as a...

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Closer to zero: sustainability best practices at Tesco

Climate change is one of the biggest challenges our planet is facing and one of the most important problems for Tesco to solve. Tesco is already taking steps to reduce...

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