Tag "terméshozam"

The market changes and the weather did not favor the sweet corn growers this year

This year, the domestic sweet corn-growing area decreased by ten percent to 33 thousand hectares, compared to 2014. However, Hungary still has Europe's largest corn processing capacity, and we belong...

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Nearly 90 percent of the winter wheat was harvested in Zala County

So far, 88 percent of the winter wheat was harvested in Zala County on a more than 20 thousand hectares of area. The average yield was 5.18 tons per hectare...

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The harvest of autumn barley and rapeseed has ended in Békés County

Outstanding autumn barley yield occured this year in Békés County – Barabás Béla, secretary of the Békés County Farmers' Federation told MTI on Monday. The average yield per hectare in...

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The harvest has begun in Hungary

The harvest has begun in the country; farmers started to harvest the winter barley in almost every counties – Czerván György Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture (FM)...

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Such good grain harvest occurs only in every tenth year

Such good grain harvest occurs omly in every tenth year as in 2014, but it is even rarer that yield results of winter wheat and maize are simultaneously outstanding –...

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