Tag "tej"

Vitafort Első Takarmánygyártó és Forgalmazó Zrt. and the Tej Trade Organization and Product Council renewed their cooperation agreement

Vitafort Első Takarmánygyártó és Forgalmazó Zrt. and the Tej Szakmaközi Szervezetz és Productáktánács renewed their cooperation agreement again. The contract was signed by Zoltán Kulik, the CEO of Vitafort Zrt.,...

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Milk may become more expensive

Among the staple foods, the average price of milk is on the verge of further increase, having already shown a two percent increase in January 2024. According to a recent...

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Plant-based milk drinks are missing from store shelves

The trend of plant-based foods that is spreading throughout Europe does not leave Hungary cold either, but surprisingly, not a single domestic manufacturer produces such products. The Agrárszektor asked Zombor...

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EU approves marketing standard rules in “breakfast directives”

The EU is set to introduce “breakfast directives” that lay down rules on the composition, sales names, labelling and presentation of the products. The EU has agreed upon new marketing...

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Will the prices of dairy products continue to rise in 2024?

Over the past two years, the prices of milk and milk products in Hungary have risen continuously, except for the previous month, when the price of milk and cheese decreased...

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The operation of the social marketing fund of the milk sector continues

The way to preserve health is through healthy nutrition, which is why the Ministry of Agriculture continues to support the promotion of milk consumption with all means. To this end,...

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Oatly wins High Court battle to use word ‘milk’ on packaging

Plant-based brand Oatly has won a High Court battle against the UK dairy industry, allowing it to continue using the word ‘milk’ on its packaging. The important legal milestone for...

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Chep Magyarország Kft. and the Tej Trade Association and Product Council signed a cooperation agreement

The aim of the cooperation is to map the sustainability and business challenges of Hungarian milk production, dairy industry and retail, to enforce sustainability aspects, to formulate recommendations regarding the...

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Tejet iszunk, de desszertre már nincs pénz

A tejágazatban korábban megkezdődött trendek, amelyek egyértelműen a prémium és magasabb hozzáadott értékű tejtermékek népszerűségére mutattak, az elmúlt egy-két év gazdasági hatásainak eredményeként megfordulni látszanak. A cikk a Trade magazin...

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Müller sells DTC business Milk & More to UK group Freshways

The dairy group made the decision to sell following a strategic review. Müller is set to sell its UK milk delivery business Milk & More to local dairy group Freshways...

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A precision milk production laboratory was built in Kaposvár

A so-called precision milk production laboratory featuring the most modern technical solutions for cow husbandry was built on the Kaposvár campus of the Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences...

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The domestic beverage manufacturer is opening up to a new segment

Sunnywood Farms, a new product line primarily for children, will appear on store shelves from mid-November. For the first time in Hungary, drinks with a high milk content will be...

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It is important to introduce children to all the physiological effects of milk

It is important to familiarize the younger generation with all the physiological effects of milk – said Minister of Agriculture István Nagy on Friday at the Tej Terméktanács school education...

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About the renewed Delegated General Assembly of the Milk Interprofessional Organization and Product Council

On September 20, 2023, the Tej Szakmaközi Szerzevetz and Product Council held its renewal Delegated General Assembly, due every three years. The delegates of the Tej Product Council elected the...

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The school milk program faces challenges

Despite facing hurdles, the School Milk Program remains a vital and enduring initiative, according to dairy industry experts interviewed by Agrárszektor. This program, supported by the European Union, aims to...

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Zoltán Kulik: the milk market is turning around, but the price reduction of pork is still high

In recent times, the price of raw milk has hit a low point, but there is renewed hope for the dairy market. According to Kulik Zoltán, CEO of Vitafort Zrt.,...

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The amount of fresh milk sold decreased drastically

Milk can be found in almost every household, whether it is low-fat or fatty, and is consumed by many people for breakfast or coffee. Although the price cap and other...

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The popularity of plant-based milk alternatives has been unbroken for many years

It’s not surprising that among dairy alternatives, cow’s milk is the least sustainable in terms of its associated carbon dioxide emissions and water consumption. However, the sustainability of plant-based milks...

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Dairy giant FrieslandCampina makes UK alt meat debut with Tender’lish

European dairy giant FrieslandCampina has launched into the UK alt meat market for the first time with a new vegetarian chicken alternative range. The Tender’lish brand will arrive in UK grocery...

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Can meat, milk and eggs disappear from the shops?

The global climate change caused by human irresponsibility can have serious consequences for the Hungarian economy, particularly in the food and tourism sectors. Although the food price freeze has ended,...

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Századvég: two-thirds of the dairy companies are planning developments in the next 2-3 years

About two-thirds of milk producers and processors are planning investments in the next 2-3 years, focusing on technological developments and energy efficiency, according to research conducted by Századvég Konjunktúratokutató Zrt....

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World Milk Day: this happened at the Vitafort Zrt. National Partner Meeting

Due to the positive properties of milk, as well as to draw people’s attention to the importance of calcium intake, the UN World Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) designated June...

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PENNY has reduced the price of new products

PENNY remains committed to providing affordable and high-quality products, which is why it will permanently reduce the price of a total of 80 dairy products in two phases from June...

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This year, the Tej Product Council is organizing its World Milk Day event on June 6

Due to the positive physiological effects of milk, as well as to draw people’s attention to the importance of calcium intake, the International Dairy Federation appointed the last Tuesday of...

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The Milk Product Council is revising the basic price forecast for raw milk based on the recommendations of the GVH

The Milk Trade Union and Product Council will revise the price forecast methodology that determines the price of raw milk – this was agreed upon by the leaders of the...

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In Romania, from the first of May, supermarket chains sell milk at a discount for half a year

In Romania, starting May 1st, supermarket chains will sell fresh milk at least 20 percent cheaper for half a year, but the producers are still dissatisfied and claim that they...

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GVH consulted with the actors of the domestic milk market about its proposals to reduce inflation

The Economic Competition Authority coordinated its proposals aimed at reducing the consumer price of dairy products with five domestic professional organizations and the Ministry of Agriculture. The social consultation of...

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Meat, eggs and milk essential source of nutrients especially for most vulnerable groups, new FAO report says

Meat, eggs and milk offer crucial sources of much-needed nutrients which cannot easily be obtained from plant-based foods, a new report issued today by the Food and Agriculture Organization of...

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The Romanian Competition Council is not opposed to negotiations on a temporary reduction in the price of milk

The Romanian competition council is not opposed to processors and retailers agreeing on the extent of jointly agreed price discounts in order to temporarily reduce the price of milk, but...

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Here is the GVH’s report on the milk market: we show which factors fuel inflation

The Economic Competition Authority (GVH) released its draft report summarizing the results of the accelerated sectoral investigation on the market of milk and milk products for social consultation. GVH experts...

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