Tag "tej"

Amazing price hike on the dairy product market – more and more people may turn to imports

According to the Hungarian Central Statistical Office (KSH), dairy products have become one of the most significant factors in food inflation. Dairy products account for more than 10% of KSH’s...

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Another price cut at Lidl: 30 types of milk and dairy products will be cheaper

Hungarians will receive further help with their everyday shopping: Lidl is reducing the prices of one of the most popular product groups, milk and dairy products. Thanks to the company’s...

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The Milk Products Council has been educating children for 20 years

We are proud that our organization, the Milk Product Council, has been conducting nationwide educational and educational activities for primary school children and their teachers about the positive physiological effects...

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Focus on dairy prices: The effects of price monitoring and market trends

The focus of the Government’s economic policy measures is on controlling the prices of basic foodstuffs, such as milk and dairy products. According to the Index’s analysis, retail chains are...

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The GVH takes action to reduce the prices of basic foodstuff

The Hungarian Competition Authority (GVH) is taking further steps to curb price increases. Csaba Balázs Rigó, the President of the GVH, has sent a letter of formal notice to several...

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NGM: the government pays special attention to the development of the prices of milk and dairy products

The government is paying special attention to the development of the prices of milk and dairy products, and has also consulted with the Dairy Products Council – the Ministry of...

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Meat, milk, eggs? How to replace them with plant-based products

The popularity of plant-based products is constantly growing, and today 30 percent of customers regularly choose such products from the Kifli.hu range. The online supermarket offers more than 500 such...

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Milk production and processing: from the European Union to the Hungarian Trappist

The European Union’s milk production reached 160.8 million tonnes in 2023, 96% of which was cow’s milk. Germany remains the largest producer, which stands out in the production of drinking...

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Milk and dairy products are becoming more expensive: what is behind the price increase?

The price of milk and dairy products has increased significantly in recent months, which customers can already feel during their everyday shopping. The price increase can be observed not only...

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Nébih inspected dairy departments

The dairy departments of commercial units were inspected by experts from the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih). During the inspection, products with expired shelf life and unmarked sliced ​​cheese...

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Dairy products becoming more expensive: why are your favorite everyday foods getting more and more expensive?

Dairy products are still among the more expensive foods, and prices have even risen in recent months. According to AKI’s latest report, in September 2024, the processing sales prices of...

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UHT and fresh milk price competition: how have milk market trends changed?

Recent years have brought significant changes to the Hungarian milk market, where the price difference between fresh and UHT milk has grown to an extent never seen before. The introduction...

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Milkmen Kft. and SZTE are developing a system that supports the work of dairy farms

Milkmen Földesi Tejtermelő Kft. and the University of Szeged (SZTE) are developing a system that enables the work of dairy farms, the rapid isolation of sick individuals, and the optimization...

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The EU is turning to the WTO over China’s anti-subsidy investigation into dairy products

The European Commission has submitted an official consultation request to the World Trade Organization (WTO) after China launched an anti-subsidy investigation into some dairy products from the EU – the...

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Milk, honey and eggs: Drastic price increases and challenges for domestic producers

Milk, honey and eggs, which are among the basic foodstuffs of Hungarian households, have faced significant price increases in recent years. Both producers and consumers are in a difficult situation,...

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Hungary’s milk consumption is above the world average

More than 6 billion people worldwide consume milk and milk products, and the global average is 87 kg per person per year, according to FAO 2021 data. During the last...

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Dairy products are becoming more expensive in Hungary: what is behind this?

Dairy products are still a favorite of Hungarian consumers, but recently there has been a significant price increase in stores. Some products, especially milk, rose in price by HUF 150-200...

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The world’s first environmentally friendly milk is here

A small Tasmanian dairy, Ashgrove, has become the world’s first to launch an ‘eco-friendly’ milk that could be a major step towards sustainable agriculture. In an innovative way, the plant...

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A Chadian delegation is studying the processing of camel milk in Hungary

Camel milk is a valuable food due to its beneficial physiological effects and special composition, and due to population growth, it is becoming more and more appreciated worldwide – the...

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Edeka requires higher farming standards for dairy products

The Edeka Group, including the discounter Netto, has broken the mark of one billion litres of milk source from farming system 3 or higher for the first time. By the...

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Tetra Pak Hungária Zrt. and Tej Szakmaközi Szervezet es Terektánács have renewed their cooperation agreement.

Tetra Pak Hungária Zrt. and the Tej Szakmaközi Szervezet és Terektánács renewed their cooperation agreement again. The contract was signed by Áron Tamás, Key Account Director, on behalf of Tetra...

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An efficient and competitive dairy industry is needed

The time has come to develop the domestic dairy industry, we need investments that improve efficiency and increase the competitiveness of the sector’s players. The goal is to regain the...

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Tej Terméktanács once again celebrates World Milk Day with a nationwide prize draw

Due to the versatility and nutritious properties of dairy products, we have been celebrating World Milk Day every year for 49 years*. The celebration of milk and dairy products cannot...

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MATE’s big milk overview – Let’s get to know our most popular milks more closely

Would you have thought that among the many domesticated animals, milk-producing animals were the first? Did you know that in the early 1900s, goat’s milk was used as a medicinal...

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Sour cream is also a luxury for many

In the past year, the market for milk and milk products was significantly affected by inflation, as a result of which consumption decreased to an extraordinary extent. According to Zoltán...

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Dairy consumption falls again in Germany

Consumption fell to a new low in 2023, the data showed. The consumption of milk in Germany declined again in 2023, government data shows. According to preliminary figures published by...

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Exotic: camel’s milk may be the new cow’s milk

Interest in camel milk is growing, and gigantic farms are being established in more and more countries to meet the growing demand. In the Middle East and other regions, camel...

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Hungarian foreign trade in milk and milk products shows a negative trend

In the past year, Hungarian foreign trade in milk and milk products showed significant changes, as a result of which the balance of the sector turned negative. According to the...

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K&H and the Tej Product Council signed a cooperation agreement

At the European Union level, the number of dairy cows may decrease by more than 2 million by 2035, while milk yields per cow will increase. In order for the...

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According to Tesco, this is how milk stays fresh longer

Milk is often on shopping lists, but due to its short shelf life, its purchase can easily lead to food waste. However, proper storage and freezing can prevent this problem...

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