Tag "Szupermenta program"

Nébih: 3 out of 27 gins did not meet the requirements

In the comparative examination of the product test of the Süpermenta program, 27 gins were analyzed, of which 3 did not meet the legal requirements based on the food quality...

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Realising what has been planned

Imre Nemes has been the president of the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) for almost a year, and our magazine asked him about experiences, results, priority projects and plans...

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A csapatban hiszek

Augusztus 23-ától a Nemzeti Élelmiszerlánc-biztonsági Hivatal (Nébih) elnöki tisztét dr. Nemes Imre tölti be. A korábban a hivatal elnökhelyettesi feladatait is ellátó szakember a Magyarországi Sertéstenyésztők és Sertéstartók Szövetségének szakmai igazgatójának...

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Marking errors were found in tomato seeds

Tomato seeds were tested by the National Food Chain Safety Agency (Nébih), five samples had problems with seed counts and three labeling errors were found in three cases, the agency...

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Nébih: marking errors were found in the latte coffees

Coffee coffees were inspected by the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih). Everything was fine from the point of view of food safety and quality, however, 16 products had labeling...

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Nébih revealed quality problems in dry cat food

Quality defects in dry cat food were revealed in a laboratory test conducted in the Supermenta program by experts from the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih). According to the...

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Nébih found only one serious mistake in the vanilla ice creams

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) found marking deficiencies in boxed vanilla ice creams, but food control fines were imposed only in one case. According to a brochure published...

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Nébih tested more than 1,000 products under the Szupermenta program

Nearly 20,000 laboratory tests were performed by the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) on 1029 products over the last 3 years under the Szupermenta program. According to Nébih’s Friday...

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