Tag "SZÉP-kártya"

3.5 billion HUF should be spent from the SZÉP cards by the end of May

Two weeks before the end of May, the amount is still more than 3.5 billion HUF from the 2016 uploads on the Széchenyi Rest Cards (SZÉP cards) – the BDO...

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Billions can be still spent from SZÉP cards by the end of the month

After the long weekend of 1 May, approximately four billion forints remained on the Széchenyi Rest Cards (SZÉP) that will expire on 31 May – card issuers told MTI. On...

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More than 4.3 billion forints are still on Széchenyi Rest Cards

More than 4.3 billion forints are still on the Széchenyi Rest Cards that will expire on 31 May this year – the card issuers informed MTI. Unused funds will automatically...

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Lots of money can get stuck on your SZÉP cards

31 May is an important date for the owners of the SZÉP card holders, because they have to spend the unused benefits received from the employer in 2016 until this...

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Monthly fees may be charged on the amount left on the SZÉP cards

According to the government decree on the issuance and use of the Széchenyi Rest Cards (SZÉP cards) monthly fees can be charged on the amount remaining on the SZÉP cards...

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Nearly 40 percent more bookings arrived for the long weekend

The long weekend is beneficial for domestic tourism, nearly 40 percent more people than average, booked accomodiations. The guest traffic of Eger, Budapest and Gyula will be the biggest in...

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The Széchenyi Rest Card is becoming more and more popular

The Széchenyi Rest Card is becoming more and more popular among employers and employees. The number of cards, the amount charged and the amount spent are also increasing – the...

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More than two billion HUF is still on the SZÉP cards

Two weeks before the expiration date, about 2.3 billion HUF from the 2015 uploads are still on the Széchenyi Rest Cards – the card issuers told MTI. Unused funds will...

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Easter has sped the SZÉP card spendings, but still more than 3 billion HUF will expire this year

More than 3 billion HUF worth SZÉP card benefits still to be spent until the end of May. The Easter was a highlighted period, so a lot of the funds...

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Szallas.hu: four times more people travel on the long weekend

Even after the Easter record, the Hungarians still want to travel, and four times more people plan to travel for a long weekend on 1 May than at a typical...

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Szallas.hu: domestic tourism increased by 8 percent in the first quarter

Domestic tourism grew by eight percent in the first quarter. The most popular destinations are Budapest, Eger and Szeged – according to the latest analysis of the Szallas.hu portal. The...

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The four-day Easter may triple domestic traffic

Compared to last year, almost three times more domestic guests reserved accommodations already for the four-day Easter celebration of this year – according to the latest data of Szallas.hu. According...

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The SZÉP card owners have two more months to spend the allowances that will expire

The Széchenyi Rest card owners have two more months to spend the allowances that were uploaded in 2015. These allowances can be used no later than 31 May. Currently there...

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More than 4.2 billion HUF amount expires this year is still on the Széchenyi Rest Cards

More than 4.2 billion HUF benefits that expire after 31 May are still on the Széchenyi Rest Cards – the card issuers told MTI. At the OTP Bank 3.2 billion...

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The SZÉP-card owners spent more in the first two months

Compared to last year the Széchenyi Rest Card owners spent more in the first two months of the year – the card issuers told MTI. The OTP Széchenyi Rest Card...

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The Széchenyi Rest Card holders spent 850 million HUF during the long weekend

As the hotel market players have already indicated, the families spent the first weekend of November with traveling to mostly rural destinations – magyaridok.hu wrote. During the four-day break, the...

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The government is committed in maintaining the Széchenyi Rest Cards

The government is committed in maintaining the Széchenyi Rest Cards, because it benefits both the families and the Hungarian tourism profession – the Hungarian Tourist Agency told MTI on Saturday....

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KSH: tourism in June increased again

In June, the number of nights spent by foreign tourists decreased by 1.4 percent, while the guest nights of domestic tourists increased by 4.3 percent, compared to a year before....

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Rented room paid from cafeteria

In addition to the transformation of the new cafeteria system, we can prepare for a new VAT reduction next year, on the basis of the 2017 tax package. We should...

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Tourism agency: goal is quality tourism

The government is committed to maintain the Széchenyi Rest Cards, while the 300 billion HUF Balaton resource development will be reviewed if necessary, according to the new tourism strategy, the...

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Hungarians traveling to Croatia choose the beach

There is a growing interest towards Croatian tourist facilities, 5-6 percent growth was measured in June from all sending countries – Marin Skenderovic, leader of the Croatian National Tourist Board...

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Next year, a record number of resources will be allocated to tourism

Next year, the government will spend more than ever, 21 billion HUF on tourism and tourism development targets – Bienerth Gusztáv Gevernment commissioner for tourism announced at a press conference...

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One billion HUF remained on the Széchenyi Rest Cards

Slightly more than one billion HUF remained on the Széchenyi Rest Cards, from the 2014 payments. The deadline to spend the amount was 31 May – card issuers informed MTI...

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The government has submitted the new cafeteria rules to the parliament

The employees receive 100 thousand HUF in cash at preferential taxation a year, in addition the employer can allocate 100 thousand HUF to the employees of the public sector and...

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Croatia would revive tourism with traveler's check

Croatia would revive tourism with traveler's check similar to the Hungarian traveler's check the Széchenyi Rest Card. Anton Kliman Croatian tourism minister and Bienerth Gusztáv Government Commissioner for Hungarian tourism...

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Still 2 billion HUF should be spent from SZÉP cards

Still 2 billion HUF can be found on the Széchenyi Rest Cards (SZÉP cards) from the 2014 uploads. The deadline to use them is to May 31 – MTI wrote....

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Szallas.hu: domestic sales increase four fold during Pentecost

During the Pentecost long weekend domestic tourism increases almost four fold, compared to an average weekend in May – the Szallas.hu predicts that the most popular destinations are the spa...

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SZÉP-Card: 2.7 billion HUF still to be spent

Already about 2.7 billion HUF on the Széchenyi Rest Cards should be spent until the 31 May deadline. 15 percent of the K&H Széchenyi Rest Card (SZÉP-Card) holders have a...

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Amounts uploaded onto the Széchenyi Rest Cards in 2014 can be used until the end of May

Amounts uploaded onto the Széchenyi Rest Cards in 2014 can be used until 31 May – the Hungarian Spa Association told MTI. Last year, the value of spendings with Széchenyi...

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A considerable amount is still on the SZÉP cards before the deadline

There are just less than a month left for the owners of the Széchenyi Rest Cards to use the amount on their cards that was uploaded in 2014. The uploads...

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