Tag "szántóföldi növény"

The barley is already in the granaries

This year, due to the dry and warm weather, the harvest of fall-sown field crops started about two weeks earlier than usual, and it continues continuously even in the heat:...

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Maize production may increase slightly at the EU level

In the May projection of the International Grains Council (IGC), the 2024/2025 indicates a global corn harvest of 1,220 million tons, which is 5 million tons less than last year....

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Agrarszektor: this is why Hungarian agriculture is lagging behind

It is worthwhile to be more efficient and advanced in agricultural production, but it is difficult to grasp how this should be achieved, knowing that Hungarian agricultural production differs significantly...

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A key issue is the farmer’s variety choice in field crop production

In the last hundred years, Hungarian breed breeding has been one of the most important professional pillars of domestic agriculture. During the challenging period, the issue of varieties, the presence...

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More than 60 percent of the planned sowing work has already been completed

According to operational reports assessing the state of agricultural work, the planned sowing area for spring-sown field crops in 2024 will be around 1.9 million hectares. Farmers completed 63.7 percent...

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Agrometeorology: nighttime ground frosts are returning

Temperatures corresponding to the first half of April will remain, and at night, weak frosts will threaten the fruit harvest in the frost-prone areas, HungaroMet Zrt. wrote in its agrometeorological...

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10 percent more sunflower crops are expected in the EU this year

Oil World expects a worldwide sunflower seed harvest of 57.9 million tons in 2023/2024. economic year, this may exceed the previous year’s volume by 4 percent. The global output may...

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Corn sowing begins in Zala County

In the middle of April, corn, sunflower and soybeans are sown in Zala County. The planned sowing area of corn is almost 30,000 hectares, and that of sunflower exceeds 5,000...

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In the EU, the expected area of corn has been revised upwards

In the March projection of the International Grains Council (IGC), the 2023/2024., 2024/2025 indicates a global corn harvest of 1,233 million tons, exceeding the economic year by 0.5 percent. financial...

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KSH: Agricultural output value increased by 6.5 percent

In 2023, the total output value of agriculture exceeded HUF 4.3 thousand billion, which is 6.5 percent more than a year earlier. A 25 percent increase in total production volume...

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The autumn harvest in Békés county has ended

The autumn harvest in Békés county has ended. Farmers are unhappy because of the low purchase prices and the damage caused by overgrown pucks.   The harvesting of sunflowers and...

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