Tag "szántóföldi kultúra"

During the period of permanent water shortage, it is possible to irrigate without a water law permit

The Ministry of Agriculture supported the initiative of the Association of Hungarian Farmers’ Cooperatives and Farmers’ Cooperatives and the National Chamber of Agriculture, following which the Ministry of the Interior...

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It is worth protecting yourself against field voles now

In several counties, field warblers multiplied strongly by the end of winter. The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) draws the attention of land users: it is extremely important to...

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Farmers can expect favorable changes in the support conditions

Zsolt Feldman also spoke about the 2024 tender schedule, the favorable changes in the support conditions, and the adaptation strategies that can be followed in plant cultivation, which represent a...

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Where is Hungarian arable crop production going next?

If the current production structure is maintained, the arable plant growers can be successful primarily by significantly improving efficiency and moving towards the production of premium quality crops, but standing...

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Nine out of ten farmers are sensitively affected by the development of purchase prices

Today, an average farmer is most afraid of the development of purchase prices, the increase in costs related to production, and the perceived difficulties of the administration related to the...

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You only need to keep the spraying log in e-GN!

We would like to draw the attention of those involved in the management of the management logbook (GN) that currently only the data of pesticide treatments, i.e. sprayings, must be...

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