Tag "Syngenta"

Syngenta’s employees help disabled yong people with their Christmas collections

Syngenta’s employees offered more than half a million forints at the company’s Christmas collection. The amount will fund the All-Life Foundation of the the Kaposvár Disabled Young People. Photo: Turjányi...

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The Syngenta’s Ócsa vegetables are sown from India to Brazil

Syngenta’s predecessor, the Sandoz Seeds, inaugurated the company’s Oceans Vegetable Research Institute on 2.5 acres thirty years ago, in 1987, where professionals now work on nearly ten times larger area...

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There is a strong demand for sweetcorn in Europe

This year, about half a million tons of sweetcorn to be processed by the processors. With this quantity, Hungary is the world’s second largest sweetcorn producer after the United States....

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Grapes are in vigorous condition before the harvest

The vintage begins within weeks. Despite the weather extremes, grapes are in vigorous condition in most of the cultivated areas – according to Syngenta’s panorama. According to experts, attention should...

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China approved the ChemChina-Syngenta merger

China approved the upcoming ChemChina-Syngenta merger, and shortly thereafter India has given its blessing as well, so new obstacles were removed before the Chinese-Swiss chemical megafusion -agrarszektor.hu wrote. ChemChina’s takeover...

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The European Commission has authorized the acquisition of Syngenta for ChemChina

The European Commission on Wednesday authorized the purchase of Syngenta for ChemChina China National Chemical company. The China National Chemical Corp. (ChemChina) group won European Union antitrust approval for its...

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Syngenta is responding to the challenges with innovation

Syngenta presented its 2017 arable offerings to more than 1,500 farmers across the country. From this year the company is expanding its market-leading sunflower portfolio and new stress resistant corn...

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The offerings of the Syngenta employees will be used to develop children

Syngenta has organized a Christmas fundraising action. The toys and tools bought from the offerings of the company's employees will be used in the member institution of the Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County...

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The Syngenta continues to expand its regional financial center in Budapest

The Syngenta continues to expand its regional financial center in Budapest by recruiting a number of new professionals. The staff of the financial center will be responsible for regional planning...

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The Food Avalanche Programme helped to five thousand families

The Food Avalanche Programme of the Hungarian Food Bank Association and Syngenta took place in fifty-three settlements this year. The local authorities and civil societies that took part in the...

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Hungarian cabbage farmers face a difficult year

Hungarian cabbage farmers are facing a difficult year in 2016: this year a series of diseases decimated the crops, the market price is lower than before, while its hard to...

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Hungarian sweet corn is popular in Europe

Half a million tons of corn will be transported to the production plants this year. As it was said at Syngenta’s event in Hajdúszoboszló: a large part of the crops...

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The British agriculture after the Brexit

Cheap labor may lost, but regulations will be more permissive. For the time being only guessing is taking place about the future of the British farmer after the Brexit. The...

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Syngenta: now farmers need to pay attention to the arable crops

Wheat, corn and sunflowers are all in promising developmental stages. It is projected that colza will also be promising this year. But the farmers really need to pay attention now,...

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Syngenta’s International Photo Contest focuses on sustainable growth

The works of Hungarian photographers can also be submitted until August 22 to the third Syngenta International Photo Contest. This time the theme of the Photo Contest will be sustainable...

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There will be enough Hungarian tomatoes and peppers on the market this year

Hungarian tomatoes and peppers are available for weeks. As it was said at the professional day of Syngenta and the Árpád Agrár Zrt. in Szentes: according to forecasts a sufficient...

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Tokaj came out on top at the National Syngenta Wine Competition

The wineries of the Tokaj wine region were the best at the National Syngenta Wine Competition. Five out of the best twelve wines were from the Tokaj wine region, but...

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No recovery is expected this year in the canned and frozen vegetables sector

This year, experts do not expect a rise in the cultivation of sweet corn, green peas and green beans that are mainly sold on export markets. The decrease is due...

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Chinese may buy Syngenta

China National Chemical Corp. is nearing an agreement to buy Swiss pesticide-and-seeds-maker Syngenta AG for about 43.7 billion francs ($42.8 billion) as the state-backed company extends its buying spree with...

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The Food Avalanche Program awaits the applications of active communities

The Food Avalanche Program of the Hungarian Food Bank Association and the Syngenta Food Programme expects the applications of local governments, educational institutions and non-governmental organizations until 18 February. The...

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Syngenta is celebrating its 15th anniversary

Syngenta’s jubilee year is hallmarked by new sunflower and corn hybrids, promising better than ever yields, excellent wheat seeds, complex plant protection product portfolio, expanded Contivo ™ advisory system. The...

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Syngenta’s employees donated to a children's home

The employees of Syngenta collected more than two hundred thousand HUF before Christmas. From the donations, Christmas presents were purchased to children with disabilities who are taken care by the...

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Syngenta’s sunflower portfolio is even more promising

Syngenta sunflower hybrids are cultivated on more than three hundred thousand hectares every year in Hungary, making sure the company retains its market leading position. The company's forecasts reveals that...

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The Food Avalanche helped to fourteen thousand people

One hundred and seventy tons of crops were harvested this year, from the lands of 52 governmental and non-profit organizations within the program of the Hungarian Food Bank Association and...

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Food Avalanche won the first prize for the most successful partnership cooperation

The Food Avalanche program of the Hungarian Food Bank Association and the Syngenta received the first prize in the category of the most successful partnerships at the Social Investment Awards...

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Winter wheat world record with Syngenta

Lincolnshire farmer Tim Lamyman has beaten the world winter wheat yield record by harvesting a whopping 16.5 t/ha from a brand new variety in his first year growing it. Farming...

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Syngenta turned down Monsanto again

The leading agrochemicals company Monsanto increased its offer again for Swiss rival Syngenta. The company is reported to have raised its bid to around 46 billion USD. The break-up fee,...

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The market changes and the weather did not favor the sweet corn growers this year

This year, the domestic sweet corn-growing area decreased by ten percent to 33 thousand hectares, compared to 2014. However, Hungary still has Europe's largest corn processing capacity, and we belong...

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No false alarms: Grapevine flavescence dorée in the vineyards

Year 2015 brought an excellent vintage to those in the wine-growing regions that were not affected by hail or vine diseases. However, the professional event of Syngenta, the professionals also...

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High-quality melons to the Hungarian consumers: branding helps

Smaller than average, but very juicy Hungarian melon can be bought this year. Half of the crop comes from Békés. The total area of melon cultivation is 6 thousand hectares....

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