Tag "Shop! Marketing at Retail"

Consumer & Shopper Insights post-COVID at Shop! CoLabs

The renewed central leadership of POPAI and Shop! assotiations started the CoLabs innovative, relevant, fresh initiative with great succes. The CoLabs idea generator incubator events’ targetted to fill online events...

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CoLabs are shaping POPAI’s new paths

New winds are blowing in POPAI and Shop! organization. The renewed central leadership gathers ideas with an innovative, relevant, fresh approach and the involvement of member companies. The change is...

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Saying thank you the Shop! way

For the first time this year international Marketing at Retail organisation Shop! expressed its gratitude to members by sending an e-card. POPAI Hungary Association also said thank you to the...

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Podcast series about retail trends

Just like in eating, the on-the-go consumption of news is more and more popular. Shop! Marketing at Retail has reacted to this trend by launching a series of podcasts, titled...

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