Tag "Rossmann"

Quality products and extra discounts at Rossmann

Sometimes less is more. When it’s not about love, kisses and intimacy – it’s about prices. Would you like to spend less? There is no tragedy, you can always count...

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Rossmann has introduced a packaging-free delivery option, which has been a great success

Last fall, Rossmann Hungary introduced a packaging-free delivery option. The essence of the initiative is that the packages delivered by their own courier service can be requested in a durable...

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Axente Vanessa’s new lifestyle brand at Rossmann

Axente Vanessa nutritional supplements will be available in Rossmann Hungary stores from February. The internationally recognized Hungarian top model has entered the dietary supplement market with the ESSA World lifestyle...

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Rossmann takes another step towards a more sustainable future

Rossmann Hungary is committed to sustainability, so it has introduced another measure in this area: the drugstore chain will not issue new Rossmann+ plastic cards in stores, new registrants can...

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The Rossmann Courier does not ring the bell if they are carrying baby products

This year saw the launch of one of Rossmann’s newest initiatives, which specifically aims at the comfort and peace of mind of new parents and their babies. The service provides...

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Rossmann ended the year with donations

At the end of the year, Rossmann supported foundations that help children and young people living in state care, as well as make the dreams of life-threateningly ill children come...

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Rossmann is starting an investment of 20 billion in Hungary

Rossmann is planning for the long term in Hungary, by the end of 2025 they plan to hand over a 28,000 square meter logistics center, which will be complemented by...

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Réka Rubint’s shape reform products have arrived in Rossmann’s stores

The well-known shape reform expert Réka Rubint started an extraordinary collaboration with Rossmann: she launched her brand new food supplements on the market, which can be purchased in Rossmann stores...

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Péter Merő designed bags for the Csodalámpa foundation

The Miracle Lamp Foundation is 20 years old, and they celebrated their anniversary together with representatives of the press and opinion leaders on the Day of Miracles. The unique bag...

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Festive mood cost-effectively

One of the most important pieces of advice when it comes to buying Christmas presents is to never leave it to the last minute. Despite this, it often happens that...

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Several commercial chains will be closed on December 24

Several retail chains, such as PENNY Market Kft., Lidl Hungary, Rossmann and Mountex, will also be closed on December 24, however, in the preceding days, the stores will typically wait...

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Christmas Eve will also be a day off at Rossmann

Rossmann provides its employees with a day off for the celebration of love. More than 200 of their stores will be closed on December 24. The company management unanimously voted...

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Rossmann tests artificial intelligence in Germany

As of early November, Microsoft allows German companies to use the artificial intelligence assistant “Microsoft Copilot”. Rossmann is putting it to the test in everyday work. “Microsoft Copilot” is a...

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Rossmann came up with a new prize game

Rossmann came up with an exceptional opportunity in November. In the framework of a prize draw, 12 lucky winners will have the opportunity to have an exclusive 30-second shopping spree...

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Russell Hobbs promotion and sweepstakes dumping at Rossmann

Rossmann prepared for the last three months of the year with gift card raffles, free 30-second shopping, an online Halloween pumpkin hunt, half-price Russell Hobbs products and countless valuable prizes....

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Vivi Sápi in Rossmann’s new commercial

With its advertising campaign launched this summer, Rossmann offers a solution to the small annoyances of everyday life, in their latest film with Vivi Sápi they announce: Believe me, there...

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Nóra Ördög’s make-up products are available in 90 Rossmann stores nationwide

The joint make-up brand of Nóra Ördög and Helia-D has stepped up. NORA Beauty products can be found in 90 domestic Rossmann stores across the country from October. A year...

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Rossmann brought the drugstore even closer to our home

In addition to the classic pick-up methods, orders placed at the Rossmann Online Pharmacy can also be picked up from parcel machines. The number of collection points across the country...

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Tovább pörögnek az online vásárlások – Már GLS-sel is szállít a Rossmann

Egyre többen szerzik be a drogériai termékeket online, a netes vásárlásokat pedig a főváros és az agglomeráció mellett egyre gyakrabban indítják vidékről is a Rossmann Magyarországnál. A drogériabolt-hálózat webshopja 6 milliárd feletti...

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Személyesen vagy online?

Az elmúlt években a koronavírus számos országban, így hazánkban is jelentős mértékben hozzájárult az online értékesítés népszerűségének növekedéséhez. Bár kijelenthető, hogy az online piac egyre nagyobb szeletét teszi ki a...

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The 30-year-old Rossmann is waiting for its birthday with toys

Rossmann is preparing for the end of the year with a series of marathon-long prize draws: for 3 months – during October, November and December – the drugstore chain celebrates...

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Rossmann’s tips encourage conscious shopping

Everyone goes to a drugstore, if not daily, but on a weekly or fortnightly basis, but are we aware of the effect of the ingredients of the products, the expiration...

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Beauty care at its best – This is how the first Beauty Expo went

The first Beauty Expo event of Rossmann and Krémmánia was of great interest, where beauty care played a leading role for a whole day. At this year’s beauty event, nearly...

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Rossmann innovates with packaging-free delivery

Rossmann offers its customers a new, packaging-free home delivery option. Rossmann’s own car courier service now delivers the ordered products in durable bags that can be reused almost endlessly to...

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Rossmann raises wages for the second time this year

Rossmann is raising its wages for the second time this year, this time the drugstore is spending HUF 300 million to increase the salaries of its employees. The company, which...

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The 30-year-old Rossmann celebrated with a festival of 1,500 people

Rossmann has been present in Hungary for 30 years this year, and to celebrate this significant milestone, it organized a grandiose festival for its colleagues on the second Sunday of...

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Full house at the beauty event of the year

Rossmann and Krémmánia are organizing a Beauty Expo on September 15 from noon in the Millenáris G building, where, among other things, facial care and domestic brands will be in...

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A new Rossmann store opened in Fót

After the grand opening, customers will be treated to a 15% opening sale for one more week. Rossmann opened its doors next to CBA Príma on Móricz Zsigmond út in...

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Funkcionális italok, az egészség és a jóllét katalizátorai

A COVID egyértelműen trendformáló hatású volt a funkcionális italok piacán is. Az emberek elkezdtek sokkal többet és mélyebben foglalkozni a saját jóllétükkel. Ez a jelenség világszinten is megfigyelhető volt, aminek...

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Picnic to become online drugstore in Germany

Online-only supermarket Picnic is expanding its product range with the help of Edeka, a German chain of supermarkets. It is adding drugstore items and wants to become a drugstore in...

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