Tag "Rossmann Magyarország"

ROSSMANN advertises its exclusive brands

ROSSMANN has launched a campaign focusing on its exclusive brands. The campaign began on 8 April on television and brand digital platforms with a brand new image commercial, as well...

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Mirror, mirror: augmented reality in the Rossmann mobile app

Keeping up with the innovations of the digital age and the evolution of technology, Rossmann has introduced a feature in the Rossmann Online Drugstore mobile app that could revolutionise the...

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Great past and great future for Rossmann

Rossmann celebrated its 30th anniversary last year, opening its 250th drugstore. László Flórián, managing director of Rossmann Magyarország Kft. talked to our magazine: “At the level of numbers everyone made progress in...

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Promotion of the Year awards presented at a trade conference

This year the “Promotion of the Year 2024” awards ceremony took place on 18 April, organised by Trade magazin and bringing together key players from the FMCG sector for the...

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Serums here, active ingredients there

Traditionally women’s facial care products have been surrounded by greater interest, but as men’s skin care habits have changed in recent years, cosmetics for men are increasingly in the centre...

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Functional foods in full force

Functional products include fortified foods and beverages, nutritional and dietary supplements, and various bars and snacks enriched with vitamins, minerals, probiotics, proteins and other nutrients. These products represent the perfect...

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Beauty care travels at breakneck speed

Beauty care is one of the fastest growing markets in the FMCG sector. Within beauty care, there are many rapidly evolving segments such as face and body care, make-up, hair...

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Everyone wins with shrink wrap free toilet paper – Rossmann is the leader in green innovation

MAGYAR PISZKE PAPÍR Kft.’s shrink wrap free Crepto 3240 toilet paper has been available in Rossmann drugstores since 2023. The product is a true innovation with its recycled and recyclable...

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Gluten-free – new flavours, new possibilities

The once limited choice of gluten-free products has now expanded to a large and diverse selection, including breads, pastas, snacks, cakes and many other foods that were previously difficult to...

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Rossmann takes another step towards a more sustainable future

In order to reduce its environmental footprint, Rossmann Magyarország will no longer issue Rossmann+ plastic cards. This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2024/4 Registered customers can continue...

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Rossmann x Respray: in April, we will switch deodorant refills to wood!

April 1-30. by using the Respray machines in Rossmann stores, every customer can contribute to making Budapest greener. The drugstore chain undertook to enrich the public areas of the capital...

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Rossmann opens 250th store – Celebrating with the Rossmann family, international group leaders, and co-owner AS Watson

In the presence of founder-owner Dirk Rossmann, AS Watson Group CEO Malina Ngai, and a number of Rossman’s international executives, Rossmann Magyarország opened its 250th Hungarian store in Budapest, in Árkád...

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Rossmann begins 20 billion forint investment in Hungary – State-of-the-art semi-automated warehouse and head office complex to be built in Üllő

Rossmann is planning for the long term in Hungary, with the completion of a 28,000m² logistics centre by the end of 2025, which will be complemented by a 4,000m² office....

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New lifestyle brand in Rossmann stores

From February the nutritional supplements of Vanessa Axente are available in Rossmann Magyarország stores. The internationally renowned Hungarian fashion model has entered the dietary supplement market with her lifestyle brand...

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Együtt hajóztunk (2. rész)

Szeptember 25–29. között Tapolcán, a Hotel Pelionban gyűlt össze a Trade Flotta közel 1100 fős hajóhada, hogy a Business Days konferencia keretében számba vegyék az elmúlt időszak viharait, zátonyait, és...

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This is how Rossmann Hungary celebrated its birthday

This year, Rossmann celebrated the 30th anniversary of its presence in Hungary. This significant milestone in the chain’s life was followed by a series of events affecting employees and customers....

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A Rossmann elmúlt és elkövetkező 30 éve

Idén 30. éve van jelen Magyarországon a Rossmann. Sikerei hátterében a sziklaszilárd német tulajdonosi háttér mellett a magyar vezetés áll, valamint minden egyes munkatárs, akikkel egy közös értékrend mentén töretlenül...

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A fájdalom válság idején is nagy úr!

Az elmúlt időszak gazdasági és egyéb hatásai a vény nélkül kapható termékek piacát is jelentős mértékben érintették. A fogyasztók sokkal tudatosabban határozták meg, melyek azok a termékkörök, amelyekre tudnak és...

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A fenntarthatóság építőkockái a Rossmannál

A Rossmann kulcskérdésként tekint a fenntarthatóságra, azon belül is egyre nagyobb szerepet kap a környezettudatosság. Céljuk nemcsak a fenntarthatóság elveinek megfelelő innovatív termékkínálat kialakítása: hangsúlyt helyeznek a ma és a...

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Practicality and surprise in a single package

In 2022 the market for Christmas beauty gift sets expanded by nearly 8% in value, driven by increased price levels only, as sales were down more than 15% if measured...

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New private label products from Rossmann

Rossmann is in the middle of launching more than 500 new private label (PL) products. This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2023/8-9. “In terms of total sales...

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First Rossmann store with a shop-in-shop concept opens

Rossmann has opened its first shop-in-shop in the Tesco store on Fogarasi Road. The new concept means that the shop isn’t located in the outside aisle, but in the unused...

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2022 was an eventful year

In 2022 new challenges were awaiting the Hungarian retail sector. Parliamentary elections always stimulate consumption in the short term, and the government has mobilised unprecedented energy to show how prosperous...

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In the service of health

In the past few years, the popularity of functional foods has been growing, owing to the fact that in comparison with traditional food products, these can contribute to staying healthy...

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This is how much you can save per month with a regular customer membership

Nine out of ten Hungarian women are members of some kind of loyalty program and regularly use their loyalty card, according to a representative online survey by Rossmann Hungary. The...

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All kinds of everything

First the pandemic then the war in Ukraine – these events had a huge impact on the category of gluten-free products as well. Ingredients, raw materials, packaging materials, energy and...

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Winners get their Startup PlasticSurgery awards

For the third time, the 4-month Startup PlasticSurgery programme has been organised. This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2023/5 The programme seeks to help start-ups that offer...

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Revolutionary ideas for the use of plastic in the cosmetic industry – the Startup Plastic Surgery incubation program ended with exciting ideas again

The 4-month program of Startup Plastic Surgery was held for the third time, the winners of which were announced in the middle of March, at the final competition held at...

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DODO and Rossmann are testing drones for home delivery

Data-driven logistics company DODO and Rossmann have launched a unique pilot project, for the home delivery of products ordered in the drugstore chain’s online shop. The first test flight departed...

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Will there be a way out of the maze of unit prices?

In the past the only way to wash clothes was using some kind of washing powder. Once the category started expanding, shoppers gradually began buying liquid laundry detergents and laundry...

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