Tag "robotizálás"

The strongest baker – Video of the day

Our today’s hero can obviously perform a thousand other tasks (even babysitting the baker’s grandson), since such a humanoid robot was hardly built just for kneading Click on the picture...

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Robotic burger grilling – Video of the day

The Japanese company Aniai has mechanized the baking process of making hamburgers – it’s good to see! Click on the picture for the video!...

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Emődi Mezőgazdasági Zrt. is developing its feeding technology with more than HUF 280 million

Emődi Mezőgazdasági Zrt. is developing its feed technology at its site in Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County, Emőd, from HUF 282.76 million, the company told MTI. According to the information, the investment serves...

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Robotbarista – Video of the day

A young inventor couple presented their robotic coffee bar at the San Jose airport 6 years ago. They probably knocked a year or two before the right time because they...

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The number of robotic work processes is increasing

The number of robotized work processes in factories is increasing all over the world, including at home, especially in production and packaging tasks. All this generates considerable enthusiasm and demand...

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Different levels of kitchen automation – Video of the day

It would be difficult to predict which of the machines in the film will really be part of the future, but it’s nice to see these pictures....

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Digital revolution in the warehouses

Zsuzsanna Niklós, sales, tender and marketing director of Schenker Kft. told Trade magazin that in line with increasing market and partner demand, they keep widening the range of dry and refrigerated...

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With input from Boulud

Spyce is the first restaurant in the world where not the service but cooking is done by robots. The restaurant is located in the campus of MIT and the project was...

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