Tag "reálbér"

Significant increase in retail trade – sector outlook

In March, retail sales volume increased significantly by 2% compared to the previous month, according to both seasonally and calendar-adjusted data. The trend is positive, however, business cycle indices suggest...

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Inflation’s impact on the food shopping of households

Analysing per capita spending data from the Central Statistical Office (KSH), published in 2021, what we see is that in 2020 Hungarian households spent the most on buying food (26.1%)...

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(HU) Átlagosan két számjegyű reálbér-emelkedés várható idén

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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GKI forecasts a 7-percent GDP drop for 2020

After the 6.1 percent decrease in the GDP in the first half of 2020, for the second half of the year, GKI forecasts an 8 percent decline in the gross...

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Analysts: retail sales growth may slow down this year together with real wages

Analysts interviewed by MTI were not surprised by the slight slowdown in the growth rate of retail sales in November, which was supported by the high base data for the...

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Real wages rose over ten percent in Romania

In October, real income in Romania was 10.6 percent higher than in the previous year, according to the Romanian National Statistical Institute. The gross average wage was 3327 lei (226...

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Analysts: real wages may rise by nearly 4 percent this year

Average wages grew by 5.3 percent in November last year. Without counting the public workers, the increase of gross and net wages was 6.1 percent. Compared to the October 2015...

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