Tag "Pécsi Tudományegyetem"

Is something missing?

Last November the National Association of Plant Based Food Manufacturers and Distributors (NÉGYOSZ) organised a conference on the development of more sustainable domestic food systems. This article is available for...

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CETIN Hungary and the University of Pécs enter into cooperation

The independent, integrated telecommunications infrastructure provider CETIN Hungary Zrt. and the Faculty of Technology and Informatics of the University of Pécs will cooperate in three priority areas in the future:...

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Fenntarthatóbb élelmezés

A Magyarországon működő növényi alapú élelmiszer gyártóinak és forgalmazóinak egy éve alakult érdekképviseleti szervezete (NÉGYOSZ) Konferencia a fenntarthatóbb hazai élelmezési rendszerek kialakítása címmel szervezett rendezvényt novemberben. A cikk a Trade...

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Hullámvasúton a HoReCa-fogyasztók

Ami biztos, az a változás, ami állandó, az a bizonytalanság – így szólt a mottója dr. Törőcsik Mária, a Pécsi Tudományegyetem Közgazdaságtudományi Kar professzora előadásának a Business Days 2023. évi...

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The University of Pécs is also participating in the sustainability expo

In addition to scientific content, the University of Pécs (PTE) will present itself with colorful programs and lectures at the Planet Budapest 2023 sustainability expo and experience program – announced...

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Dr. Törőcsik Mária: Megatrendek testközelben

A Trade magazin 2023-ban is megrendezte Business Dinner rendezvényét. A délutáni szakmai programban kapott helyet dr. Törőcsik Mária közgazdásznak, a PTE Marketing és Turizmus Intézete egyetemi tanárának expozéja, aki az...

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Ecologists: the quality of European fresh waters is not improving

According to a new international study published with the cooperation of Hungarian researchers, the growth of biological diversity in European fresh waters has stopped, therefore the attention of decision-makers is...

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State Secretary TIM: engineers have a special role in the implementation of sustainable economic development

In achieving sustainable economic development and ensuring a healthy, livable environment, current and future engineers have a special role, and the government sees them as partners – stated the state...

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The Consumer Behavior Research Center started its operation at the University of Pécs

The Consumer Behavior Research Center started its operation at the University of Pécs. Among other things, an eye-tracking camera built into glasses helps researchers – the Faculty of Economics at...

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The Pécsi Cuvée and the Szekszárdi Bull's Blood have become the wines of the University of Pécs

The 2014 vintage “Pécsi cuvée” white wine of the Batthyány Cellar and the 2012 vintage ” Tüke Szekszárdi Bull's Blood” red wine of the Eszterbauer Kft. won this year's competition...

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